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Simple to read security camera field of view chart (with table)

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As technology advances, the tools for ensuring safety and security become more sophisticated. Among these, security cameras play a pivotal role. A critical feature of these devices is the field of view (FOV), which determines the extent of the area the camera can capture. This article dives into the FOV, focusing on a chart that exemplifies how different camera specifications affect the coverage area.

What is a security camera field of view?

At its core, the field of view (FOV) is the extent of the observable world a camera lens can see at any time, measured as an angle. To visualize this, picture the lens at the apex of a triangle and the camera’s view as the triangle’s base. The wider the base is, the broader the FOV will become. 

It’s a crucial factor because it affects how much of a scene is captured without moving the camera. A wide FOV enables the monitoring of vast spaces, while a narrower one allows for focused surveillance on specific areas, offering a detailed view that’s ideal for identifying individuals or objects.

See how Solink elevates your security camera system.

A man smiling in front of several monitors.

Security camera field of view chart explained

The following field of view chart simplifies the complex relationship among view distance, lens size or zoom, and view angle. It’s a visual tool to help users understand how these three variables interact.

Learn even more about every type of security camera for business here.

View distance

View distance describes the maximum range at which a camera can effectively record clear images. For instance, a camera equipped with a 2.8 mm lens boasts a 90-degree view angle, capable of covering a distance of 30 feet. This setup is perfect for surveilling large, open areas such as retail spaces or parking lots

In contrast, an 18 mm lens narrows the view distance to a focused 150 feet, concentrating on details like license plate numbers, which are critical for identification purposes in scenarios such as gate entry monitoring.

Lens size/zoom

The lens size or zoom of a camera directly influences the width of the FOV. A smaller lens size, like 3.6 mm, results in an 80-degree FOV, making it versatile for general surveillance needs. As the lens size increases to 12 mm, the FOV narrows to 23 degrees, which might be preferable for instances where capturing fine details at a distance is paramount, such as in traffic monitoring or transaction recording at banks.

View angle

The view angle is a pivotal factor in surveillance as it determines the scope within which the camera operates. A wide angle, associated with smaller lens sizes, captures more of the environment but at a sacrifice of finer details. As the lens size increases, the view angle diminishes, thereby narrowing the field but enhancing the ability to discern specific features or actions within its focused area.

Using the security camera field of view chart to select the best cameras

The selection of the best security camera for your business is a nuanced decision that hinges on the balance between view distance, lens size, and view angle. The chart serves as a guide for this decision-making process. 

For surveillance goals that prioritize wide-area coverage without the need for fine detail—such as overseeing a warehouse or a large store—a camera with a smaller lens size and wider angle would be optimal. This setup would allow for the monitoring of activities over a broad area with sufficient detail for general surveillance.

Conversely, situations that demand high-detail monitoring at greater distances, such as observing a cashier’s station to prevent POS theft, a secure entry point, or a high-risk area, would benefit from a camera with a larger lens size and a narrower field of view. 

This configuration ensures that, even at extended distances, the details necessary for identification or analysis are captured with clarity. It’s also worth noting that the resolution of the camera plays a crucial role in these scenarios. Higher resolution cameras provide clearer images, which is essential when the camera is expected to cover longer distances. This is where the selection of the camera becomes more strategic—aligning the resolution with the FOV to achieve the desired surveillance outcome.

For businesses and organizations looking to implement or upgrade their security camera systems, understanding the field of view chart is just the beginning. The next step is sourcing cameras that match their specific surveillance requirements. 

This is where Solink comes into play. As a cloud video surveillance solution, Solink not only provides the technology to monitor and manage security footage but also assists in selecting the right cameras for each unique situation.

Selecting the appropriate FOV is critical for the effectiveness of a cloud-based security camera system. Solink understands this intricacy and offers a cloud video surveillance solution that leverages the FOV chart to enhance security measures. By aligning camera specifications with your surveillance needs, Solink ensures you have a tailored, effective security system. Additionally, Solink’s platform provides valuable business insights, making it a comprehensive tool for loss prevention and enhanced security.

Need to upgrade your business security cameras? Solink can source security cameras at a great price.