👀 Solink Secure Summit ’25 now sold out.
Agenda and details here.

Camera compatibility list

Solink is compatible with most ONVIF standard cameras (30,000+ cameras and security systems from 270 renowned brands)

Here is the list of cameras our customers commonly work with and their compatibility with Solink (below)

If you don’t see your camera model below, please reach out to us (through the form below) and we’ll assess if Solink is compatible with your existing camera system.

BrandModel NumberDevice TypeIs It Compatible?
AlibiALI-NS2128RIP Camerayes
AmcrestIP4M-1055EIP Camerayes
ANPVIZmodel unknownIP Camerayes
AreContAV2115 3456DNIP Camerayes
Avigilion1.3C-H4M-D1IP Camerayes
Avigilonmodel unknownIP Camerayes
AvigilonH4FIP Camerayes
AvigilonH5SLIP Camerayes
AxisM3047-PIP Camerayes
AxisM3044-VIP Camerayes
AxisM3005-VIP Camerayes
AxisM3045-VIP Camerayes
AxisM3004IP Camerayes
AxisM70001IP Camerayes
AxisP3354IP Camerayes
AxisM3067-PIP Camerayes
AxisM7016IP Camerayes
AxisM3104-LVEIP Camerayes
AxisP37-PLE seriesIP Camerayes
BoschFlexidome 4000iIP Camerayes
Camiusmodel unknownIP Camerano
ClickITCam360IP Camerayes
Cortexmodel unknownIP Camerayes
D-LinkDCS-8525LHIP Camerano
DahuaModel unknownIP Camerayes
DahuaIPC-HDW4631C-AIP Camerayes
Digital WatchdogDWC-MD72i4VIP Camerayes
E-Line TechnologyPRO3 Series 960H Embedded DVRDVRno
Eagle EyeModel unknownIP Camerayes
Eastern CCTVIP-5IRD5002VFZ-WIP Camerayes
Everfocusdvr - ecor264-9xiDVRno
EyeonetIP639E5W-28IP Camerayes
FLIR 3D Brickstream2300M-BC25WIP Camerano
FoscamFR4020A2IP Camerano
GalaxyGX744MFS-IR28BIP Camerano
GeoVisionEDR-2100IP Camerayes
GeoVisionGV-EBD SeriesIP Camerayes
GeoVisionGV-ABL SeriesIP Camerayes
GeoVisionGV-ADR SeriesIP Camerayes
GeoVisionGV-AVD SeriesIP Camerayes
GeoVisionGV-TDR SeriesIP Camerayes
GeoVisionGV-EFD270TIP Camerayes
GeoVisionBL-1110DIP Camerano
GeoVisionMFD-110IP Camerano
GW SecurityGW-GW5777MICIP Camerayes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetXND-6010IP Camerayes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetXNF-8010RIP Camerayes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetSNF-8010RIP Camerayes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetPNM-9085RQZIP Camerayes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetPNM-9000VDIP Camerayes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetPNM-7000VDIP Camerayes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetSPE-1610DVRyes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetSRD-1656DDVRyes
Hanwha/Samsung WisenetPNM-9002VQIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD4132FWD-IZIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2122FWD-ISIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2142FWD-ISIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2632F-ISIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD6362F-IIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2732F-IIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD4165IP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2543G0-IIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2345FWD-IIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2143G0-I(S)IP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2165G0-IIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2132F-IIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2542FWD-ISIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2185FWD-ISIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-CD2343G0-IIP Camerayes
HIKvisionDS-2CD2T45FWD-I5IP Camerayes
HoneywellHC30WB5R1IP Camerayes
HoneywellHC30W45R3IP Camerayes
i3 InternationalAx62VIP Camerano
i3 InternationalAx47RIP Camerayes
i3 InternationalAx46IP Camerayes
i3 InternationalAx52IP Camerayes
i3 InternationalAx51IP Camerayes
i3 InternationalAx50IP Camerayes
i3 InternationalAx49IP Camerayes
i3 InternationalAx66IP Camerayes
i3 InternationalAx67RIP Camerayes
i3 InternationalHR16DVRyes
i3 InternationalAx32vd14IP Camerano
i3 InternationalAx41IP Camerano
ICIPD2000AIR21IP Camerayes
Illustrai825 FisheyeIP Camerayes
IllustraEssentials D12A1IP Camerayes
IllustraPro MD651IP Camerayes
IllustraFlex2 3MPIP Camerayes
Illustrai825Fisheye-651A1921510040IP Camerayes
IllustraEssentialsIP Camerayes
InVidModel UnknownIP Camerayes
IPCHNC3I241E-IRAS/28IP Camerayes
IPCHNC5V281E-IRASE/28IP Camerayes
iWatchmodel unknownDVRno
JennovIPCAM-100IP Camerayes
JVCmodel unknownIP Camerano
LaViewmodel unknownDVRyes
Lorexmodel unknownIP Camerayes
LorexLNB3163-CIP Camerano
LTSCMIP3342W-MIP Camerayes
Lumamodel unknownIP Camerayes
Lux (Wave Electronics)LUX-3GDVR8-2T-IRDVRyes
Lux / Lux Promodel unknownIP Camerayes
MarchMegaPX ATM CameraIP Camerayes
Milesightmodel unknownIP Camerayes
NetSurveillancemodel unknownIP Camerayes
NetvisionNV744MF-IRIP Camerayes
Night OwlDVR-HDA10lb-16DVRno
NIUE4032-W36IP Camerayes
OnCam360 Evolution-12IP Camerayes
OpenEyemodel unknownIP Camerayes
Optiviewmodel unknownIP Camerayes
PanasonicWV-SF135IP Camerayes
PelcoSarixIP Camerayes
ProvisionDI-250IP528IP Camerayes
Q-SEEQCN8090BIP Camerano
ReolinkAll modelsIP Camerano
RevoRUCB36-2BIP Camerayes
RevoRUCMD36-1BIP Camerayes
RevoRU16NVR2B-1IP Camerayes
SonySNC-EM600IP Camerayes
Specomodel unknownIP Camerayes
SpecoO3FDP9IP Camerayes
SpecoO4MD3IP Camerayes
SpecoO4B6IP Camerayes
SpecoO4P4IP Camerayes
SpecoH6HRLIP Camerayes
SpecoO2VLD8IP Camerayes
SwannAll ModelsIP Camerano
TrendnetTV-IP1315PIIP Camerayes
TVTmodel unknownIP Camerayes
Ubiquitimodel unknownIP Camerayes
UbiquitiUVC-G4-PROIP Camerano
UniviewIPC3614SR3-ADPF28-FIP Camerayes
UniviewIPC2325EBR5-DUPZIP Camerayes
Videoteknikamodel unknownIP Camerayes
Viewz IPVMVZ-PVM-I2W2IP Camerayes
Viewz IPVMVZ-PVM-I4W2IP Camerayes
Vivotekmodel unknownIP Camerayes
VonnisionVS-IP2M1170B35IP Camerano
WatchnetMPIX 360IP Camerayes
WirepathModel unknownIP Camerayes
WeldexWDP-17S05MFIP Camerayes

Request a demo now

Solink is a cloud-based video security software. Solink is used by over 8,000 businesses.

Solink’s video security software connects your security camera footage with your POS data and creates a dashboard of analytics and searchable moments. Restaurants, retailers, and financial institutions use Solink to increase profits, reduce theft, and save time.

  • Video Privacy is our number 1 priority
  • No terms, no cancellation fees
  • Solink works with your existing cameras or cameras of choice
  • 24/7 best-in-class customer support with SLA <2min

Request a free demo and one of our security specialists
will get in touch with you shortly

Trusted by

security camera icon

No proprietary hardware

Solink’ strength lies with its integration with thousands of cameras across brands. You’re right, you won’t be locked up with proprietary hardware for a couple of years with us.

Intergrations icon

200+ 3rd party integrations

POS, drive-through timers, sensors, industry-specific software, you name it. We integrate and use video to your advantage with your existing systems.

Seamless operations icon

No cancellation fees. No catch up.

We’re confident you’ll be happy, but if that’s not the case, you can cancel anytime as you’re on a monthly subscription.


Best-in-class support 24/7 365

We pride ourselves on best-in-class support in our industry. Your security means the world to us.
Our average SLA is < 2 minutes.


Tailored to specific industries

We are a fit for most video security applications, and we tailor our product to fit the restaurants/qsr, retail, finance, warehousing, regulated industries, hospitality, wellness industries.


Remote access anywhere, anytime

Solink is optimized for distributed locations (many sites across multiple states). Our remote access is one of the best in class and allows you to look at all your location remotely on your phone or computer at anytime.

“Whether it’s looking up specific transactions, searching keywords, or anything else we might need, it all happens easily with Solink.”

*We do not work with proprietary cameras or hardware.