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Success Story

Why a Domino’s operator in West Texas switched to Solink

March 13, 2023

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“I know Solink will be part of the Gerety Family for a long time because you do what you say you’ll do.” ~ Cassie Gerety, Domino’s Pizza, Inc. Franchisee, Operating Partner at Sweet Pizza LLC


  • Cassie Gerety’s previous video security system was hard to use and unreliable.
  • The previous video security system company was non-responsive, leaving Cassie’s Domino’s locations unprotected.
  • It was hard to figure out exactly what happened during incidents without video evidence, which was often unavailable.


  • Solink is an intuitive system that anyone can use, and it comes with free training for all users.
  • Solink’s no-term contract means we work hard to prove our value everyday.
  • Multiple employees have been exonerated and maintained their employment thanks to Solink, leading to real dollar savings in recruitment and the immeasurable value that tenured employees bring.

The Client:
Domino’s Pizza, Inc. Operator Sweet Pizza LLC

Cassie Gerety is the Operating Partner of Sweet Pizza LLC, which owns 24 Domino’s pizza locations along the I-20 in West Texas. They are currently constructing their 25th location. Cassie started with Domino’s as a delivery driver and worked her way up through management and into ownership.


“I own 24 locations in 11 cities spanning 250 miles along the I-20 corridor in West Texas. I’ve been working at Domino’s for 27 years and I started as a delivery driver. Domino’s is my life.”

Solink is currently installed in 15 of Sweet Pizza LLC’s locations. Cassie plans to put Solink in all new locations and will be transitioning her nine other locations to Solink as the contracts with her previous security company expire.

“I have Solink in 15 of my 24 locations. I'm looking to move the other nine over as soon as possible. Most of the other contracts expire within the next 12 to 15 months. Then, I’ll move them over to Solink.”

The Challenge:
Protect Cassie’s people and properties

Cassie’s Domino’s locations were on a video security system, but the equipment regularly broke down, leaving her business unprotected.

During the pandemic, Cassie was looking to cancel her existing contracts when she realized the notification requirement was 90, not 30, days.

“I missed the 90-day deadline as I thought it was 30 days. It was during the first holiday season when COVID-19 measures were just starting to come out. I called them to give my 30-day notification, and they were like ‘no, sorry. It’s 90 days.’ So, all those locations auto-renewed, and I still can’t get them to respond to any problems. I have a system down right now.”

Solink’s challenge was to protect Sweet Pizza LLC’s people and properties with intuitive video security software. Furthermore, Solink was challenged to teach Cassie’s team how to use the Solink platform and deploy it to maintain good customer service and deliver ROI.

“Solink is the real deal. You sold me something, and it’s exactly what you promised, period.”

Learn how Solink is the perfect solution for your restaurant.


  • Sweet Pizza LLC’s previous video security system was hard to use and unreliable. The system experiences significant downtime and when operational it can take a long time to find needed video footage. This makes it impractical for many use cases.
  • Cassie found it hard to reach customer service to resolve any hardware or software issues.
  • Video evidence is necessary to really understand what happened during incidents. This can lead to employees being unfairly blamed, which could mean good people losing their job unjustly.

Solink is winning Cassie’s business through customer service and delivering a return on her investment.

Cassie attributes this partly to Solink’s no-term contracts. Since customers are not locked in, we focus on proving our value everyday. This means doing what we say we will do, making sure our system is always operational with warrantied hardware, and coaching our customers on the Solink platform so they can always find more value.

Viewing pizza restaurant on solink laptop

“Solink operates with a no-term contract. That’s how we operate, too. Let’s exceed what people want. ”

From the first time seeing a Solink demo, Cassie was interested in what Solink offered.

“I remember our first meeting in October 2019. It was one of those things where my gut just kept telling me that I need to talk to you guys. I had been so frustrated with video systems, but I always go with my gut. I was ready to talk to somebody. There was a difference in the way you guys behave. That's how I knew you were the real deal. You were honest and backed up what you said Solink can do.”

Domino’s has very strict IT and cybersecurity requirements. Part of the process of getting Solink onboarded as an official vendor was proving that we will handle all of Domino’s data with care. Solink received SOC 2 Type II certification in 2022, which helped seal the deal.

“At Domino’s, we take security very seriously. That’s just what we do.”

The Solution:
Sweet Pizza LLC has a functional and reliable security system

“With Solink, there hasn’t been a single thing that you promised that you haven’t lived up to. I can only list about five or six companies in my career that I can say that about. So when that happens, I brag about them and I bring them as much business as possible because businesses like Solink are hard to find.”

Cassie still has nine stores on the previous security system. The comparison in responsiveness is clear.

“With the previous company, I have a system that hasn't worked for months and I can't get them to do anything about it. With Solink, we don’t even think about a customer service representative. To us, we just call and you get it done. It’s a Solink love-fest here.”

Solink’s reliability and ease of use has paid off in several ways. First, it helps create a partnership between her Domino’s restaurants and the local police.

“Our cameras have been so helpful to the police. Sometimes their requests have nothing to do with us. They just ask us about incidents that happened near our locations that our cameras might have caught. They love that we can help.”

A dome surveillance camera on a metal pole

Second, it has helped Cassie protect her most important asset, the people working for her.

“I have two examples of people keeping their jobs after an incident because I could go into Solink and see the video evidence of what really happened. The first was an altercation where a customer hit an employee. Without the cameras, that kind of incident could have resulted in the employee being fired. Thanks to the cameras, she was able to retain her job. In another incident, a male employee was falsely accused of inappropriate behavior. That kind of accusation follows you around, so being able to show on video exactly what happened saved his career.”

While there are real dollar savings to retaining good employees, the intangible value goes well beyond that.

“It’s hard to put a number on just how much Solink has saved us. Yes, it’s probably $4000 to $12,000 in recruitment and onboarding when we can keep a person employed. But it’s so much more than that. It’s also the knowledge and skills someone has after working in a business for years. Then, there’s just the human cost of someone losing their job unfairly because of an accusation. I'm a math major. So I'm all about numbers.”

Cassie is very happy with the transition of her first 15 Domino’s restaurants to Solink and is looking forward to having the rest switch.

“I have Solink in 15 of my 24 Domino’s locations.The others are under contract for a few more months with another vendor. If I could switch them today, I would be doing back flips and cheering.”

For Cassie and her team, the ultimate value of Solink is in the protection it provides to her people and properties.

“Solink’s video surveillance really represents safety and security for my business. It's protecting my assets, and I'm not talking about just physical assets. I'm talking about people. They're my biggest asset.”

Solink has also provided evidence of training needs.

“There are several people that may have been fired if it weren’t for the camera system showing us that it was a training issue. They weren’t doing anything out of malice. They were obviously doing something wrong because that’s the way they were trained, but they were trained incorrectly by somebody else. Now, we can go and show them how to do the job correctly, which helps them and us.”

There are also time and money savings afforded to the management team. Since Solink is reliably recording all the time and the footage is easy to access, there are fewer reasons to travel to different restaurants. A lot more general auditing can be done remotely.

“It’s time and cost saving because now we can see on the camera what the issue is without needing to drive out to the stores. They can check the kitchens when nobody’s there, too. Those are miles on my truck and expensive fuel that I’m saving along with their time.”

Solink created a point of sale (POS) integration specifically for Domino’s. While it hasn’t been active for long, Cassie is seeing the value of pairing video to Pulse POS transactions already.

“I'm glad we have the Pulse POS integration, but let me be honest with you. Even without that information, Solink and your software are head and shoulders above anybody else. I still would have gone with Solink without the data component. It's just a big bonus that I've now got the integration too.”

In Cassie Gerety’s words

“Solink’s video surveillance really represents safety and security for my business. It’s protecting my assets, and I’m not talking about just physical assets. I’m talking about people. They’re my biggest asset.”

“I asked my team if they’ve ever worked with Solink’s Customer Service or Customer Success Team. They didn’t even know there were two departments. Their response was ‘we just call and they get it done.’ That’s the best success story for a support line that I’ve ever heard.”

Sweet Pizza LLC’s three favorite features

An icon of a cell phone in a turquoise circle.

Remote access

Solink makes your data, cameras, and more available from anywhere, anytime. Our cloud video security system gives you eyes on all of your locations from one easy-to-use interface. From security to business intelligence, we offer you the ability to stay connected to your entire business as you grow from one to hundreds or thousands of locations.

A floppy disk icon in a blue circle.

Save & Share

Being able to save and share video footage directly from the Solink platform is helpful when incidents occur. Once video documentation of an event is found, it can be saved indefinitely and shared with all stakeholders, including the police, attorneys, members of staff, and insurance companies.

A headset icon with a speech bubble.

Customer Success Team

Solink is an easy-to-use platform that can be taught to new employees in a few minutes. However, it is packed with a lot of interesting functionality that you might not notice at first. Our Customer Success Team is there to make sure you get the most out of Solink.

Tim Ware headshot

Timothy Ware |

Solink stands at the forefront of security solutions, excelling in loss prevention and asset protection for businesses. Our content is rich in industry expertise and crafted to provide actionable insights and innovative strategies. We empower businesses to enhance their security systems, optimize operations, and protect their assets more effectively. Discover how our advanced cloud video management system can transform your security approach.