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Top warehouse throughput metrics to push productivity higher

A woman in a warehouse holding a clipboard.

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Understanding and monitoring warehouse throughput metrics is vital for any logistics or supply chain operation. This article explores these crucial metrics, providing insights into how they can effectively measure, manage, and optimize warehouse performance for enhanced efficiency and productivity.

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A woman in a warehouse holding a clipboard.

What are warehouse throughput metrics?

Warehouse throughput metrics are crucial indicators that measure the efficiency and effectiveness of a warehouse’s operations. These metrics help in assessing how well a warehouse processes inventory, from receiving to shipping.

Why should warehouses track their throughput metrics?

Tracking throughput metrics in a warehouse setting is essential for maintaining and enhancing operational efficiency. Metrics such as cycle time, dock-to-stock cycle, and order processing time offer valuable insights into the speed and effectiveness of warehouse operations. By monitoring these metrics, warehouse managers can pinpoint bottlenecks in the supply chain, identify inefficiencies in various processes, and develop strategies to streamline operations. For instance, a prolonged cycle time may indicate inefficiencies in inventory management or order fulfillment, prompting the need for process optimization or technological upgrades. Similarly, a lengthy dock-to-stock cycle can reveal delays in the receiving process, signaling the need for better scheduling or improved unloading procedures.

The financial health of a warehouse is also closely tied to its throughput metrics. Metrics like carrying cost of inventory, cost per order, and inventory turnover provide a clear picture of the financial implications of warehouse operations. High carrying costs or a low inventory turnover rate can be symptomatic of overstocking or underutilized resources, leading to increased operational costs and reduced profitability. By tracking these metrics, warehouses can optimize inventory levels, reduce unnecessary expenses, and enhance overall financial performance. For example, improving inventory turnover not only frees up capital tied up in excess stock but also ensures a steady flow of products, meeting customer demands efficiently.

Moreover, customer satisfaction and service quality are directly influenced by metrics such as order picking accuracy, fill rate, and perfect order rate. These metrics reflect the warehouse’s ability to fulfill orders accurately and promptly, directly impacting customer experience. High order picking accuracy and fill rate ensure that customers receive what they ordered in a timely manner, enhancing customer trust and loyalty. A high perfect order rate, indicating error-free deliveries, reinforces the warehouse’s reputation for reliability. Consequently, by tracking and improving these throughput metrics, warehouses can significantly enhance customer satisfaction, foster repeat business, and strengthen their competitive edge in the market.

15 important warehouse throughput metrics to track and optimize

Tracking key throughput metrics is crucial for optimizing operations and ensuring smooth workflow in a warehouse. This section discusses important warehouse throughput metrics, offering insights into their significance and how they can be leveraged to enhance overall warehouse performance and productivity.

Here are 15 warehouse throughput metrics you should be tracking today:

  1. Average warehouse capacity used
  2. Back order rate
  3. Carrying cost of inventory
  4. Cost per order
  5. Cycle time
  6. Dock-to-stock cycle
  7. Fill rate
  8. Inventory turnover
  9. Labor productivity
  10. On-time shipping rate
  11. Order picking accuracy
  12. Order processing time
  13. Perfect order rate
  14. Receiving efficiency
  15. Returns processing time

1. Average warehouse capacity used

Average warehouse capacity used formula: (Total used warehouse space/Total available warehouse space) x 100

This metric tracks the percentage of warehouse space utilized. It’s calculated by dividing the total used warehouse space by the total available space, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. Higher values indicate better utilization of available space. Tracking this metric helps in optimizing space management and can highlight issues like overstocking or underutilization. A low value might indicate wasted space or inefficient layout.

How to improve average warehouse capacity used:

  • Implement efficient storage solutions like multi-level shelving.
  • Regularly review inventory to identify slow-moving or obsolete items.
  • Optimize warehouse layout to maximize space usage.
  • Use demand forecasting to adjust inventory levels.
  • Implement a warehouse management system (WMS) for better space tracking.
  • Consider cross-docking to reduce storage time.
  • Regularly audit space usage to identify improvement areas.

2. Back order rate

Back order rate formula: (Number of back-ordered items/Total number of ordered items) x 100

Back order rate measures the percentage of orders that can’t be filled from current stock and require backordering. It’s calculated by dividing the number of back-ordered items by the total number of ordered items, then multiplying by 100. A lower back order rate is preferable, indicating good stock availability and inventory management. A high back order rate can lead to customer dissatisfaction, lost sales, and other forms of operational shrink.

How to improve back order rate:

  • Improve inventory accuracy with regular audits.
  • Use demand forecasting to anticipate stock needs.
  • Maintain safety stock for high-demand items.
  • Strengthen relationships with suppliers for quicker restocking.
  • Implement an efficient inventory management system.
  • Regularly review and adjust inventory levels based on sales trends.
  • Train staff on inventory management best practices.

3. Carrying cost of inventory

Carrying cost of inventory formula: (Total costs of holding inventory/Total value of inventory) x 100

Carrying cost of inventory encompasses all costs associated with holding inventory, including storage, insurance, and taxes. It’s calculated by dividing the total costs of holding inventory by the total value of inventory, then multiplying by 100. Lower carrying costs are generally better, indicating efficient inventory management. High carrying costs can signify excessive inventory, inefficient storage, or high expenses related to inventory management.

How to improve carrying cost of inventory:

  • Optimize inventory levels to avoid overstocking.
  • Negotiate better rates with suppliers and logistics providers.
  • Implement just-in-time (JIT) inventory practices.
  • Improve warehouse layout to reduce storage costs.
  • Regularly review and manage slow-moving stock.
  • Invest in technology for better inventory management.
  • Reduce waste and damages through improved handling processes.

4. Cost per order

Cost per order formula: Total cost of order processing/Total number of orders

Cost per order measures the average expense incurred in processing an order, including labor, materials, and overhead. A lower cost per order is typically better, indicating efficient order processing and cost management. A high cost per order might suggest inefficiencies or excessive expenses in the order fulfillment process.

How to improve cost per order:

  • Automate repetitive tasks to reduce labor costs.
  • Streamline order processing workflows.
  • Implement bulk purchasing to reduce material costs.
  • Negotiate better shipping rates.
  • Train staff to improve productivity.
  • Regularly review and optimize supply chain processes.
  • Implement technology solutions for efficient order management.

5. Cycle time

Cycle time formula: Total time taken for a process/Number of items processed

Cycle time tracks the total time taken to complete a specific warehouse process, such as fulfilling an order. It’s important to aim for a shorter cycle time, which indicates higher efficiency. A longer cycle time can imply bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the process.

How to improve cycle time:

  • Identify and eliminate process bottlenecks.
  • Implement lean management techniques.
  • Automate where possible to speed up processes.
  • Train staff to improve efficiency and reduce errors.
  • Continuously monitor and review process times.
  • Implement effective layout and organization in the warehouse with the use of heatmaps.
  • Use technology to streamline operations, like a warehouse management system.

6. Dock-to-stock cycle

Dock-to-stock cycle formula: Total time from receiving goods at the dock to stocking them/Number of items

The dock-to-stock cycle measures the time from when goods arrive at the dock to when they are stocked in the warehouse. A shorter dock-to-stock cycle is better, indicating efficient receiving and stocking processes. A longer cycle can result in delays and reduced warehouse efficiency.

How to improve dock-to-stock cycle:

  • Streamline receiving procedures.
  • Train staff in efficient unloading and stocking methods.
  • Implement cross-docking where appropriate.
  • Use technology to track and expedite the stocking process.
  • Organize the receiving area for quick sorting and movement.
  • Schedule receiving times to avoid congestion.
  • Regularly review and adjust processes for continuous improvement.

Use speed of service tactics to speed up the entire process.

7. Fill rate

Fill rate formula: (Number of orders shipped on first request/Total number of orders) x 100

Fill rate measures the percentage of customer orders that are shipped on the first request. A higher fill rate is desirable, as it indicates a high level of customer service and efficient inventory management. A lower fill rate can lead to customer dissatisfaction and increased costs due to additional shipping and handling.

How to improve fill rate:

  • Maintain accurate inventory records.
  • Implement efficient inventory replenishment systems.
  • Use demand forecasting to anticipate customer needs.
  • Train staff on inventory management best practices.
  • Regularly review and adjust safety stock levels.
  • Streamline order processing and fulfillment operations.
  • Use a warehouse management system for real-time inventory tracking.

8. Inventory turnover

Inventory turnover formula: Cost of goods sold/Average inventory value

Inventory turnover measures how often inventory is replaced over a certain period. A high inventory turnover rate generally indicates efficient inventory management and a healthy demand for products. A low turnover rate might suggest overstocking or poor sales performance.

How to improve inventory turnover:

  • Optimize inventory levels to match demand.
  • Implement effective pricing strategies to move inventory.
  • Improve marketing efforts to increase sales.
  • Regularly review and adjust inventory based on sales trends.
  • Use clearance sales for slow-moving items.
  • Strengthen supplier relationships for flexible inventory management.
  • Implement an inventory management system for better control.

9. Labor productivity

Labor productivity formula: Total output/Total labor hours

Labor productivity in a warehouse measures the output per labor hour. Higher productivity indicates more efficient labor use. Low productivity can signal inefficient processes, inadequate training, or underutilization of staff.

How to improve labor productivity:

  • Implement training programs for staff.
  • Use automation to handle repetitive tasks.
  • Improve warehouse layout for efficient movement.
  • Set clear performance metrics and goals.
  • Offer incentives for high productivity.
  • Regularly review and optimize processes.
  • Use technology for task management and tracking.

10. On-time shipping rate

On-time shipping rate formula: (Number of orders shipped on time/Total number of orders) x 100

The on-time shipping rate assesses the percentage of orders shipped within the promised time frame. A higher rate is preferable, as it indicates reliability and efficiency in meeting customer expectations. A lower rate can lead to customer dissatisfaction and harm the company’s reputation.

How to improve on-time shipping rate:

  • Enhance planning and scheduling for shipments.
  • Implement efficient packing and order processing systems.
  • Strengthen coordination with logistics partners.
  • Use technology for real-time tracking and alerts.
  • Train staff to prioritize urgent orders.
  • Regularly review logistics and shipping processes.
  • Build buffer times into schedules to accommodate unexpected delays.

11. Order picking accuracy

Order picking accuracy formula: (Number of orders picked without errors/Total number of orders picked) x 100

Order picking accuracy measures the correctness of the order picking process in the warehouse. High accuracy is crucial for customer satisfaction and minimizing returns. A lower accuracy rate can indicate issues in the picking process and lead to increased costs and customer complaints.

How to improve order picking accuracy:

  • Implement barcode scanning or RFID technology.
  • Train staff regularly on accurate picking methods.
  • Use pick-to-light or voice-directed picking systems.
  • Conduct regular audits of picking accuracy.
  • Simplify the layout of the warehouse to reduce errors.
  • Implement quality control checkpoints.
  • Use a warehouse management system for real-time tracking.

12. Order processing time

Order processing time formula: Total time taken from receiving an order to shipping it/Number of orders

Order processing time measures the duration from receiving an order to shipping it. Shorter processing times indicate efficiency and responsiveness. Longer times can be due to inefficiencies in the order fulfillment process and may result in customer dissatisfaction.

How to improve order processing time:

  • Streamline order processing workflows.
  • Automate data entry and order tracking.
  • Improve coordination between different departments.
  • Implement batch picking to reduce time.
  • Optimize warehouse layout for faster processing.
  • Train staff to handle orders efficiently.
  • Regularly review and refine the order processing system.

13. Perfect order rate

Perfect order rate formula: (Number of error-free orders/Total number of orders) x 100

The perfect order rate measures the proportion of orders that are delivered without any errors, including in fulfillment, documentation, and delivery. A higher perfect order rate is ideal, signifying a high level of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. A lower rate can indicate problems in various stages of the order process, leading to customer complaints and increased costs.

How to improve perfect order rate:

  • Implement stringent quality control measures.
  • Train staff across all stages of order processing.
  • Use technology for accurate order tracking and management.
  • Regularly review and refine fulfillment processes.
  • Improve packaging and handling to prevent damage.
  • Strengthen communication and coordination among teams.
  • Analyze and address the root causes of errors.

14. Receiving efficiency

Receiving efficiency formula: Total number of items received/Total time taken to process received items

Receiving efficiency tracks the speed and accuracy with which goods are received and processed in the warehouse. Higher efficiency indicates a smoother, faster receiving process. Lower efficiency can be a sign of delays or issues in the receiving area, affecting overall warehouse operations.

How to improve receiving efficiency:

  • Streamline receiving processes with clear guidelines.
  • Use technology for quick and accurate processing.
  • Train staff in efficient unloading and inspection techniques.
  • Implement scheduling to avoid dock congestion.
  • Regularly audit and improve receiving procedures.
  • Optimize the layout of the receiving area for quick movement.
  • Implement cross-docking where appropriate.

15. Returns processing time

Returns processing time formula: Total time taken to process returns/Number of returned items

Returns processing time measures how quickly and efficiently a warehouse handles returned items. Faster processing is better, as it indicates efficient reverse logistics and customer service. Slower processing can lead to customer dissatisfaction and inventory issues.

How to improve returns processing time:

  • Establish clear and efficient returns procedures.
  • Train staff specifically for handling returns.
  • Use technology for tracking and processing returns quickly.
  • Implement a dedicated area for processing returns.
  • Regularly review and optimize the returns process.
  • Communicate effectively with customers regarding returns.
  • Analyze returns data to identify patterns and address underlying issues, including internal theft.

Solink’s cloud-based video surveillance and advanced AI video analytics provide a robust tool for enhancing warehouse throughput. Its capabilities in real-time monitoring and data analysis can significantly aid in optimizing key metrics, ensuring operational efficiency and improved performance. 

By utilizing Solink, warehouses can effectively track, analyze, and improve their throughput metrics, leading to streamlined operations and better business outcomes.

To see how Solink can help you track and optimize your warehouse throughput metrics, sign up for a demo today.