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20 best marketing tools for retail stores

Learn about all of the greatest marketing tools for your retail store

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Retail stores are always on the hunt for the best marketing tools to drive sales and enhance the shopping experience. While many tools claim to provide value, not all live up to their promise. This article lists 20 top marketing tools for retail stores.

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How do retail stores market online and in-store?

Retail stores market both online and in-store to reach a broad customer base. Online methods include email campaigns, social media promotions, and pay-per-click advertising. In-store marketing revolves around visual merchandising, promotional signage, and direct customer engagement.

Learn about all of the greatest marketing tools for your retail store

How do marketing tools help with retail marketing?

Marketing tools play a crucial role in the retail industry. Their impact can be observed through:

  • Data collection:  This involves systematically gathering vital information and insights related to customer behavior, enabling retailers to make more informed decisions and refine strategies. Remember, video is the biggest data.
  • Trend analysis: By closely examining and understanding sales patterns and trends, retailers can anticipate market changes and adapt their offerings accordingly.
  • Customer segmentation: This approach allows retailers to break down their larger audience into smaller, specific groups. By tailoring strategies to these individual segments, businesses can better meet the unique needs and preferences of diverse customers.
  • Campaign management: Essential for any promotional strategy, campaign management tools help in the meticulous organization, scheduling, and launching of promotions, ensuring timely and effective market reach.
  • ROI measurement: Determining the return on investment is crucial in assessing the effectiveness of marketing strategies. By evaluating the outcomes against the expenses, retailers can gauge the success of their campaigns and adjust future endeavors for better results.
  • Inventory management: An efficient inventory management system ensures products are stocked based on actual demand, minimizing overstock scenarios and reducing instances of stockouts, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • Visual design: Visual appeal is paramount in capturing customer interest. Tools focusing on visual design assist retailers in creating captivating promotional materials that resonate with their target audience.
  • Feedback loop: Establishing a continuous loop of customer feedback helps retailers gain a deeper understanding of shopper preferences, allowing them to adjust products and services to better match consumer expectations.
  • Integration: For a seamless operational flow, integration tools are vital. They ensure that various systems, platforms, and tools work in harmony, reducing potential data discrepancies and ensuring real-time synchronization. See the benefits of integrating video with data.
  • Automation: In the modern retail landscape, efficiency is key. Automation tools help in reducing manual, repetitive tasks, allowing staff to focus on more strategic initiatives and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

What are some different types of marketing tools for retail stores?

There are many different types of marketing tools that can be used by retailers big and small. Here are some of the varied functions provided by retail marketing tools:

  • In-store analytics: These tools allow retailers to closely monitor and analyze customer paths and movements within the store, offering insights into shoppers’ behavior and preferences.
  • Loyalty programs: Designed to foster customer loyalty, these programs offer rewards and incentives that encourage repeat visits and continued patronage.
  • Sales data: By closely tracking sales data, retailers can monitor the performance of individual products, gaining insights into trends and consumer preferences.
  • Inventory Management: Effective inventory management ensures product availability, allowing stores to maintain optimal stock levels and reduce instances of out-of-stock products, as well as other forms of operational shrink.
  • Customer engagement: Tools focusing on customer engagement are crucial in building brand loyalty. They facilitate meaningful interactions, ensuring customers feel valued and connected to the brand.
  • Feedback analysis: Listening to customers is pivotal. Feedback analysis tools help stores respond to shopper needs, addressing concerns and adapting services based on reviews and feedback.
  • Visual merchandising: Effective visual merchandising tools aid retailers in displaying products in an aesthetically pleasing manner, capturing customer interest and enhancing the shopping experience.
  • Integration: These tools focus on seamlessly connecting different platforms and tools, ensuring a smooth flow of information and reducing manual data transfer.
  • Promotion tracking: Tracking the success and reach of promotions is essential. Promotion tracking tools measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, providing data on reach, engagement, and conversion.

Top 20 marketing tools for retail stores

In today’s competitive retail landscape, many tools promise to optimize operations, marketing efforts, and customer engagement. The challenge lies in identifying those that truly deliver value. 

Here, we present a carefully curated list of 20 indispensable tools, each catering to specific needs of brick-and-mortar establishments:

  1. Solink
  2. Square POS
  3. Belly
  4. RetailNext
  5. QuickBooks Point of Sale
  6. Lightspeed Retail
  7. Fivestars
  8. FootfallCam
  9. NCR CounterPoint
  10. Perka
  11. Yotpo
  12. Revel Systems
  13. ShopKeep
  14. ReferralCandy
  15. CandyBar
  16. LS Nav
  17. Dor
  18. Loyverse
  19. Vectorworks
  20. AccuStore

Solink offers invaluable heatmap analytics for retail stores. See how promotions draw traffic in-store. Track customer behavior regarding specific products, assess store layouts, and measure merchandising’s impact. 

With legal allowances, Solink even lets you understand point-of-sale interactions. Their dashboards excel at marketing metric tracking, especially in sales volume variations.

While Solink is best known for security and loss prevention, the benefits don’t stop there. Through advanced AI, Solink turns your existing camera system into a profit driver. 

Solink also provides a dashboard for your core business KPIs, as well as the ability to set limits for proactive alerts when your metrics are outside your comfort zone. By integrating with your POS and other systems, Solink provides new sales data insights.

Square integrates sales data and other functionalities into a single tool. Beyond processing transactions, retailers can analyze sales trends, manage inventory, and seamlessly connect with other tools.

Belly champions customer loyalty. This program, integrated into the store’s POS, allows retailers to offer tailored rewards, fostering repeat business and enhancing customer relations.

RetailNext offers deep insights into in-store dynamics. By tracking customer movements and sales patterns, it aids retailers in optimizing store layouts and measuring the impact of promotional campaigns.

QuickBooks POS isn’t just for sales. It offers inventory management, tracking products, providing insights on popular items, and aiding in informed stocking decisions.

Lightspeed’s POS system is a hub for various functionalities. With integrated sales reporting, inventory management, and the ability to sync with other platforms, it’s a multi-faceted tool for brick-and-mortar stores.

Fivestars specializes in loyalty and customer engagement. Their platform empowers stores to create custom loyalty programs, engage shoppers, and build lasting relationships.

FootfallCam provides analytics on foot traffic, helping retailers understand shopper behavior, optimize store layouts, and tailor promotional strategies effectively. Solink also offers people counting through existing security cameras.

Management NCR CounterPoint excels in sales and inventory management. Retailers can monitor product performance, manage stock levels, and offer tailored promotions based on sales data.

Perka, designed for brick-and-mortar stores, fosters customer loyalty. With customizable reward programs and direct customer interactions, it ensures repeat business.

Yotpo equips retailers with tools to collect and analyze customer feedback. By harnessing reviews and ratings, stores can adjust their offerings and services to better meet shopper expectations, enhancing the in-store experience.

Revel Systems delivers a robust POS system catering to the unique needs of brick-and-mortar retailers. Its platform offers insights into sales data, inventory management, and integrates seamlessly with other tools, making it a comprehensive solution for retail operations.

ShopKeep focuses on creating visually pleasing store displays while keeping a keen eye on inventory. Their system provides tools to design attractive product arrangements and ensure that the most popular items are always in stock.

ReferralCandy boosts customer engagement by encouraging shoppers to refer friends and family. By turning loyal customers into brand advocates, stores can drive more foot traffic and foster community around their brand.

CandyBar is all about cultivating customer loyalty. It enables retailers to craft custom rewards programs, ensuring that regular shoppers always have a reason to return.

Tracking LS Nav is a comprehensive retail management system. From sales to inventory, everything is integrated. It also allows retailers to track the success of promotions, providing insights into what resonates with shoppers.

Dor provides retailers with insights on foot traffic. By understanding when and where customers move within the store, retailers can make informed decisions about product placement, store layout, and staffing.

Loyverse is another tool dedicated to building customer loyalty. Their platform provides features for loyalty programs, customer engagement, and even offers POS functionalities.

Vectorworks is renowned for its versatile design and modeling capabilities. Tailored not just for architects and landscape professionals, Vectorworks also offers solutions that are apt for retail space designers. Its Spotlight feature provides the tools to create highly detailed and immersive 3D models of retail spaces, allowing designers to visualize every aspect before execution. 

With a rich library of resources and an intuitive interface, Vectorworks ensures that retailers can bring their store design visions to life with precision and creativity. As retail spaces become more experiential, software like Vectorworks ensures that every design element, from lighting to product placement, is optimized for maximum impact.

AccuStore assists retailers in optimizing store aesthetics. Their tools support visual merchandising efforts, helping stores attract and retain customers. Plus, they provide features to track the success of in-store promotions.

Selecting the right tools is the cornerstone of success for brick-and-mortar retail. Solink shines brightly among them, intricately connecting in-store behaviors with marketing strategies. By integrating tools like these, retailers set the stage for sustained growth and success.

To see how Solink helps you view every sale, interaction, or event in your business, sign up for a demo today.