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The best security measures churches can take in today’s world

May 13, 2024

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When it comes to safeguarding your place of worship, implementing a church security camera system is paramount.

In this article we’ll cover the essential features to look for, the best practices for setup, and how these systems can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your church environment. With the right information and tools, enhancing your church’s security can be straightforward

See how Solink can enhance security at your church.

Why is a church security system important?

children-in-churchJust like businesses, churches have specific needs for their security camera system. There are many exterior and interior areas of the church property that need to be covered by cameras. Churches can also face various threats, each requiring different and specific tools, plans, and skills. A strong church security system provides a lot of benefits. Here are just a few of the benefits of putting a security system in your church.

Prevent theft and vandalism

A security camera system can deter thieves and vandals from your church. Criminals who perceive that they will be caught are less likely to commit crimes. If you increase the likelihood that a criminal will be caught, then they are less likely to commit a crime against your church.

Provide evidence to the police

High-quality video footage can be pivotal in investigations, helping to clearly identify perpetrators and understand the sequence of events. This capability not only aids in faster resolution of cases but also increases the likelihood of apprehending those responsible, thus enhancing overall safety and security within your church community. By ensuring that your security system captures clear and actionable footage, you’re equipping law enforcement with the tools they need to protect your congregation effectively.


Resolve disputes

A church security camera system is instrumental in resolving disputes, particularly those involving confrontations or misunderstandings among congregants or staff. Video footage serves as an unbiased record of events, providing clear evidence that can help clarify what happened. This transparency is crucial for maintaining trust within the community and ensuring fair resolutions.


Viewing the church from anywhere and at any time

The ability to view your church from anywhere and at any time is a significant advantage of modern church security camera systems. Whether you’re managing multiple church properties or simply want the convenience of remote monitoring, these systems provide real-time access to video feeds via smartphones, tablets, or computers.

See how Solink can help with this


Faster emergency response

Implementing a church security system significantly enhances emergency response times. By providing real-time monitoring and instant alerts, these systems ensure that any unusual or suspicious activity is quickly detected. Whether it’s contacting local law enforcement or initiating an internal response plan, the ability to react swiftly can prevent escalation and minimize harm.

Church & Religious Facility Security System

Solink’s video analytics and security for religious organizations makes it easy to create a safe, secure, and healthy environment.

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What are the components of some of the best church security camera systems today?

There is a lot of variety in the structure of churches. Some are hundreds of years old wood/stone buildings, while others are brand-new campuses with a 10,000-person worship center. These variations require different security measures, and purchasing an off-the-shelf commercial security camera system is unlikely to meet the needs of your church.

Churches use Solink's security camera system to improve safety and security

Below we will go through some of the more obvious and not so obvious components and necessities of a church security system. All of these components are of course something Solink can help you with in your journey to providing the best product in your establishment.

Hardware and security cameras

Security cameras are, of course, a key piece of security infrastructure for any organization, including churches. Most churches have indoor and outdoor security needs and will likely require several different types of security cameras to cover their entire property. We will go into these different types a little later in this article. Solink has the ability to show you where you need to place your security cameras, which security cameras you need, and how to get the most out of your security video footage. First, let’s look at the other church security system components.

Fast, high-speed Internet

We live in a connected world, which means a high-speed Internet connection is always going to add functionality to your infrastructure. In the case of a church security camera system, the Internet allows for remote backup, remote monitoring of your cameras, and a lot of other benefits that greatly improve the efficiency of users.

Solink automatically updates all of the software on our systems. Solink also runs automated security camera health checks to tell you if your cameras have gone offline or are blocked in some way. Video analytics, video alarms, and many other key components mentioned below require the Internet to work at optimum efficiency.

Your video software and analytics platform

Solink's cloud security camera system allows you to proactively monitor your religious organization

Video analytics are crucial in any modern security camera system these days. Without video analytics, you’d need full-time security staff to monitor the video feeds. These video analytics go hand-in-hand with the security software platform you choose to exist with from a monitoring perspective. For example, a company like Solink.

From a simplistic view, video analytics are the technology and methods used to analyze video footage to extract useful information, recognize patterns, and make decisions based on video data. Information such as:

  1. Security Integration: Video analytics in Solink systems, for example, are integrated with existing security infrastructure. This allows businesses to leverage their current video cameras to collect data for analysis without the need for specialized hardware.

  2. Data-Driven Insights: The analytics component processes video data to identify specific activities or trends. This could include tracking patron movements within an area, identifying times of high traffic, monitoring employee behavior, or detecting suspicious activities.

  3. Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts: Video analytics can provide real-time alerts to business owners or security personnel. For example, if the system detects unusual activity after hours, or if specific motion patterns are recognized that could indicate theft or vandalism, alerts can be triggered.

Solink is one of the top-rated systems to deliver on these three sets of data plus much, much more. Get your demo with us today below to better see what we can offer your church.

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Solink helps you filter events that happen within your commercial business

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Data storage

Some cameras have data storage in them, but it is usually limited. Most systems require a DVR or NVR to manage local storage. Other cameras store directly to the cloud, which is great if you have the bandwidth and a good connection with zero downtime.

Solink offers a hybrid cloud and local storage solution that gives you the accessibility of cloud video storage with the robustness of on-premises storage. You can customize your data storage to maintain video footage for 15, 30, 90, or more days of availability. Furthermore, any important clips can be stored indefinitely.

Door and window alarms and sensors

Intrusion detection is a key component of your security perimeter. The security perimeter is the wall of defense around your property. Alarms and sensors that can tell when a door is opened is one way to achieve a strong security perimeter around a building.

Video alarms

Video Alarms are a great way to leverage your existing cameras for further security benefits. Video alarms work by detecting motion during specific periods of time in a designated location.

Instead of a door alarm that alerts authorities automatically when a door is opened, video alarms detect motion inside and outside the door and then notify the owner of the alarm. Here are three potential advantages of church video alarms over traditional alarm systems:

  • Earlier detection: Since motion can be detected outside the door, you do not need to wait until someone has gained access to your facility to be alerted to their presence.

  • Alarm verification: Instead of the alarm system requesting an emergency response after a simple switch is activated, video alarms notify the owner of the system. You can then view real-time video of the event from anywhere and decide whether emergency responders need to be dispatched. This can save you money in reduced false alarm fines and keep emergency responders free to react to true events in your community. In fact, some police services are no longer responding to non-verified access alarms because of how many false alarms occur.

  • Better response to true incidents: Once the owner of the video alarm verifies emergency responders are necessary, they can share the real-time cloud video security feed with responders. This means dispatchers know exactly what is happening and how best to react to the situation.
Access your video alarms remotely on your phone, using Solink's security camera system

Access control

Access control panels allow entry to church facilities by authorized users by inputting a code into a panel. This allows church management to both keep unauthorized users out and know who has entered a building in the case an event occurs while they are inside.

What security cameras are best for churches?

As mentioned above, no church security system is complete without cameras. They not only provide a great security base but also support and enhance the value of every other piece of infrastructure you put in place.

Here’s an example. Access control systems allow you to see who has been in your building recently. However, people forget their passwords. Then, when they go to enter the building they call up a friend to use their password. This isn’t a great solution on the day, but when people then share their password for months before mentioning they need their password reset, it represents a serious security problem.

How can security cameras solve this access control problem?

Having a camera above the door means you can see the face of every person as they enter the building. Integrating access control into your video analytics platform means you can compare faces to the codes entered to confirm there is no password sharing. It also means that, if something, for example a fire, happens while a person is in the building, you know who needs to be accounted for so no one is left behind.

Church & Religious Facility Security Solution

Solink’s video analytics and security for religious organizations makes it easy to create a safe, secure, and healthy environment.

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Bullet cameras

A white cctv camera on a black background.

Making your security camera footage available on the cloud means that you can use new AI capabilities. Many of these features require more computing power than any single laptop could attain. Cloud computing unlocks some of the following features. 

Bullet cameras are some of the most common church security cameras on the market. They are small and get their name from their shape.

Their small size and easy installation make them particularly versatile. They can be placed indoors and outdoors and are usually less noticeable than larger security cameras (e.g., turret security cameras). However, their shape makes them less robust to vandalism than dome cameras (see below).

Dome cameras

A white cctv camera on a black background.

Dome cameras are cameras covered with a dome. This obscures the direction they are facing, which can make visitors less sure what is or is not in the camera’s field of view. Their shape and the dome protection make them more resistant to vandalism.

PTZ Cameras

Protect your business with a PTZ (Pan, tilt, and zoom) camera

PTZ stands for pan, tilt, zoom, and that’s basically what they can do. PTZ security cameras can be controlled remotely to pan across a larger area or zoom in on something in particular.

This added functionality usually comes with a higher price tag. However, you might be able to offset the added cost per camera by using fewer cameras in total. Remember, though, PTZ cameras are only recording what the lens is facing. Additionally, the PTZ feature is mechanical, which is often a weak point in these cameras.

360 degree cameras (fisheye cameras)

Fisheye cameras are the next level up in church security cameras. While PTZ cameras improve on the base bullet cameras by allowing the user to change the viewing angle remotely, 360 security cameras go even further by giving the user a complete 360° by 180° view all of the time.

360 degree cameras get their nickname of fisheye cameras due to the distorted image shown.

However, using modern gaming technology, Solink stretches out this view to give you an immersive look at what is happening at your site. Here’s a 360 camera at work on the Solink platform:

View all angles of your restaurant with a 360 degree camera

While the PTZ camera requires someone to change the view angle, 360 degree cameras show and record everything all the time. We’ve found that a single 360 degree security camera can replace four to six traditional security cameras in wide open areas, such as a church hall or recreation facility.

Church security camera placements and best practices

Modern churches can be large, expansive properties. This makes security camera placement a particularly difficult task. Let’s look at all the locations you should consider placing security cameras in your church, starting with interior cameras followed by exterior cameras.

Interior cameras

Interior cameras should be placed in all of your facilities and provide solid overall coverage, including all entrances and exits, showing the pathway of visitors throughout the buildings, clear visibility of highly used areas, and coverage of any location with valuables (including where tithes are counted and stored before transport to the bank).

Here are some specific locations for interior church security cameras.

Parish hall, event hall, and chapel

Solink protects perish halls' with advanced video surveillance

Anywhere that people congregate regularly should have ample camera coverage. For larger areas like the nave, 360 security cameras can give you a clear picture of everything that is happening. This reduces the number of security cameras you need to buy and install.

For smaller areas like chapels, especially those without valuable artwork or other church assets, a single bullet camera covering the entrance, so you know who has been in the room recently and when, should suffice.

Gymnasiums, youth ministry facilities, daycare, and other amenities

Children are at risk of injury when at play in daycares or enjoying physical activity. Security cameras can reduce your liability when injuries occur as well as help you follow-up on aggression or violence.

Since security cameras might be damaged by an errant basketball or in other ways, dome cameras are probably a better choice than bullet cameras in these facilities.


Longer hallways can be dangerous for various reasons. In many cases, they are places where crime takes place. However, even within the safe walls of a church, longer hallways are a common location for elderly falls. Quick response to such situations, especially when the hallway is rarely used, through motion sensing can provide a lot of safety value to your church community.

Entries and exits

Protect the front entrance of your church by monitoring your church with Solink's video security management system

Every entrance into the church should have a security camera placed facing the interior and exterior side of the door. These allow you to keep track of visitors, enable video alarms, monitor access control panel usage, and make sure everyone has exited your buildings safely during an emergency situation.


Churches often have cash on hand from tithes collection. Anywhere that cash is collected, counted, and stored until being sent to the bank should be covered by security cameras. We recently discussed this for restaurants, but the principle is the same here.

Offices also tend to have valuable computer equipment, personal assets, etc. that represent targets of theft.

Exterior cameras

Exterior cameras are exposed to a less predictable and more variable environment. This includes both weather and unknown people passing by. As such, dome cameras are usually a better option outside as they are better protected from weather and vandalism.

Here are some specific locations for exterior church security cameras.

Entries and exit

As mentioned above, every entrance into the church should have a security camera placed facing the interior and exterior side of the door.

Parking lots

Solink protects perish halls' parking lots with a cloud-based video security system

Weekly services at a place of worship are predictable events. Thieves can use this predictability to target cars in the parking lot with smash-and-grabs knowing that the owner of the vehicle probably won’t notice for an hour.

In addition to theft deterrence, the high traffic on Sundays makes a church parking lot a high-risk area for minor car accidents. Being able to provide video of these events to insurance companies with Solink’s Save and Share feature makes them simpler to resolve for everyone involved.

Special events grounds

If you host fairs, bazaars, or any other community events on your property outdoors, then those areas should be covered by security cameras to protect the visitors as well as the church. These events usually involve commerce and there is also a risk for accidents, both of which need video security to protect the church from any wrongdoing claims.

Why Solink is the choice for church security

Solink as a software is an exceptional choice for enhancing church security due to its sophisticated integration of video analytics with existing video camera systems. As an easy to use software, this seamless integration means that churches can utilize their current hardware setup without the need for extensive upgrades or new installations, making Solink a cost-effective solution. For example, Solink can analyze video data to detect unusual patterns or incidents such as unauthorized entry during non-service hours. The system can send real-time alerts to church administrators or security personnel, enabling a swift response to potential security breaches. Furthermore, Solink’s capability to provide detailed visual evidence aids in quicker resolution of incidents and can be crucial in police investigations or insurance claims.

Additionally, Solink’s video analytics offer more than just security solutions; they enhance operational aspects of church management. By analyzing foot traffic patterns within the church, Solink can help administrators understand which areas are most frequented and at what times, assisting in better crowd management during large gatherings or special events. This data can be invaluable for planning evacuation routes or optimizing space usage for events and services.

To see how Solink can help with your church security needs, sign up for a demo today.

Church security camera systems FAQ

Is it legal to have cameras in a church?

Yes. Security cameras are generally legal in public spaces where individual privacy should not be assumed. This includes the public areas of churches such as event halls, offices, and the foyer, while it does not include gym locker rooms or restrooms.

Can you put cameras in a church?

Yes. Security cameras may be placed in a church, so long as you respect the privacy of your congregation. That means only placing security cameras in the public parts of your building where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Should churches have security cameras?

Churches face large and small threats, from vandalism and theft to active shooter events. A security camera system paired with video analytics can greatly improve the security of a house of worship while being unobtrusive.

Do churches have alarms?

Many churches have alarm systems to protect them from burglaries, vandalism, and less likely but possible major incidents such as violent attacks. Other churches will opt to use their security cameras as video alarms.

Who can access the video security footage in a church?

This depends on the system. Some video analytics companies will require added fees to have more than one user on the platform, and every user will have the same level of access. Solink allows you to have as many users as you need without additional fees. In addition, every user can have a different level of access, for example being able to view only outdoor security cameras or only the cameras in the public parts of your church.

How do you secure a church?

Churches require a security system that matches the level of risk in their area, considering the size of the church, the local crime levels, how valuable the church property is, etc. Most church security systems begin with cameras and the related cloud video security tools.

Should churches have security teams?

Most churches will find it valuable to have a security team. The nature of your church security team should be included in your church security plan. Church security teams range from the oversight committee to active volunteers who act as sentries during church services and events. You can find this information inside the church’s security manual.

How can church security be improved?

Church security can be improved with the help of a video analytics platform. Solink increases the value of your existing security cameras to give you more information about who is entering your church and why.

Which is better, an alarm system or CCTV cameras for a church?

CCTV cameras provide some security to churches, but most will also choose to install an alarm system. However, churches can use their existing security cameras for Video Alarms with Solink.

Do you need an alarm if you have CCTV?

Church security camera systems can actually operate as both a CCTV system and a video alarm system. This can save money, simplify the system, and improve security overall.

What is the difference between CCTV and security cameras?

Church security camera systems can actually operate as both a CCTV system and a video alarm system. This can save money, simplify the system, and improve security overall.

What considerations should churches have in mind when selecting security camera systems?

Churches should prioritize their specific security needs, the property layout for optimal camera coverage, technology offering clear video quality, easy access for authorized personnel, and the system’s ability to expand or upgrade as needed.

How can churches ensure their security camera system complies with legal requirements?

To ensure compliance, churches must understand and adhere to local and federal privacy laws regarding security, ensuring cameras are placed in areas without expectations of privacy and avoiding private spaces like restrooms.

What role does video analytics play in enhancing church security through security systems?

AI video analytics significantly enhances church security by providing advanced features such as motion detection, license plate recognition, and unusual activity alerts, allowing for a more proactive response to potential security threats.

Learn how Solink can protect your church

Solink’s video analytics and security for religious organizations makes it easy to create a safe, secure, and healthy environment.

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Timothy Ware |  linked in icon email icon

Solink stands at the forefront of security solutions, excelling in loss prevention and asset protection for businesses. Our content is rich in industry expertise and crafted to provide actionable insights and innovative strategies. We empower businesses to enhance their security systems, optimize operations, and protect their assets more effectively. Discover how our advanced cloud video management system can transform your security approach.