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10 of the best retail ERP vendors for your retail business

A man in an apron is using a laptop in a store.

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Selecting the right enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is crucial for retail success. To help you navigate your options, we’ve curated a list of 10 great retail ERP vendors. This article gives you a snapshot of industry leaders, aiming to guide you in making an informed choice for your business.

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What is ERP?

ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. It’s a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities. This can include project management, procurement, supply chain operations, and even things like accounting and human resources. Think of ERP as a centralized hub where different business processes can interact and be managed cohesively.

Having an ERP system means you can streamline and automate many of your business operations. This allows for more efficient resource use and better decision-making. With real-time data and analytics, an ERP system can give leaders a bird’s-eye view of their operations, aiding in strategic planning and resource allocation.

A man in an apron is using a laptop in a store.

Why do retailers need an ERP system?

Retailers operate in an environment that’s constantly changing, driven by shifts in consumer demands and market trends. An ERP system helps retailers stay agile and responsive to these changes. From inventory management to point-of-sale systems, an ERP solution integrates various retail functions into one centralized system. This ensures smoother operations and more streamlined data management.

Beyond operational efficiency, ERP systems offer actionable insights through analytics. Retailers can analyze sales patterns, customer behaviors, and market trends, using this data to make informed decisions. This is crucial for inventory planning, pricing strategies, and even for identifying new market opportunities. An ERP system, therefore, is not just a tool for managing resources but also a valuable asset for driving business growth.

Top 10 retail ERP vendors

Navigating the landscape of enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions can be a daunting task for retailers. The right system can dramatically streamline operations, provide invaluable business insights, and ultimately drive growth. 

Given the multitude of options available, we’ve curated a list of the top 10 retail ERP vendors, each offering a unique blend of features designed to meet the diverse needs of the retail industry. This guide aims to provide you with an overview of each vendor’s offerings and their unique advantages, equipping you with the knowledge to make an informed decision for your retail business.

Here are 10 retail ERP vendors you should consider:

  1. SAP
  2. Oracle
  3. Microsoft Dynamics
  4. NetSuite
  5. Infor
  6. Epicor
  7. Acumatica
  8. Sage
  9. Syspro
  10. Aptean


SAP is a German multinational that specializes in crafting enterprise software for business operations and customer relations. They offer a suite of ERP solutions adaptable for diverse industries, retail included. Their offerings span inventory management, sales forecasting, and customer relationship management.

SAP ERP also boasts real-time analytics. This feature aids retailers in making data-driven decisions and can be incorporated with other solutions to create a harmonious and streamlined operation.

This vendor provides solutions scalable to your business, whether small or large. They emphasize the integration of contemporary technologies like IoT and machine learning for an avant-garde client experience.

Oracle, an American multinational, has its headquarters in Austin, Texas. Best known for their database products, they also offer a broad ERP suite tailored for various industries, retail among them. Functions include human resources management, financial planning, and supply chain management.

The design of Oracle ERP aims to uplift efficiency and trim operational costs. Its cloud-based nature allows for real-time updates and flexibility, making sure you’re ahead in the business game.

Investments in research and development are high on Oracle’s list, ensuring continuous updates to include the most recent technological advancements like machine learning algorithms and automated bots for basic tasks.

Microsoft Dynamics is a collection of ERP offerings under the Microsoft umbrella. It is designed to serve a range of industries, including retail, and includes functionalities like financial management, supply chain automation, and sales analytics.

Ease of use is a hallmark, and it integrates well with other Microsoft products like Office 365. This makes it an easy fit into existing workflows.

Microsoft’s steadfast commitment to research and development ensures that Dynamics remains a leader in ERP technologies. The platform integrates cloud computing and data analytics, making it an advanced choice for any retailer.

NetSuite, an American company acquired by Oracle in 2016, provides an all-in-one ERP suite suitable for a variety of industries, retail included. Their software offers a gamut of features such as CRM, e-commerce, and inventory management.

One focus of NetSuite is the provision of real-time data, enabling retailers to make immediate and informed decisions. Their aim is to streamline business operations and amplify efficiency.

The software is both customizable and scalable. This makes it apt for a range of retailers, from small boutiques to expansive chains. Industry-specific modules are also offered to cater to unique business needs.

Infor, an American software enterprise, offers a range of software from financial systems to resource planning, and from supply chain to customer relationships. Their ERP solutions for retailers cover inventory and order management, analytics, and customer engagement.

Infor’s systems are cloud based, offering the flexibility and scalability modern retailers seek. Their solutions aim to help retailers fine-tune their operations and elevate customer experiences.

Innovation is a cornerstone for Infor. They offer industry-specific solutions and place a robust focus on user experience, intending to make their systems as user-friendly as possible.

Epicor Software Corporation, based in Austin, Texas, offers flexible, industry-specific ERP software. Their solutions for retail cover key areas like inventory management, CRM, and business analytics.

Epicor prides itself on promoting growth and profitability. Their solutions are designed for businesses of various sizes, ranging from small retail shops to large global enterprises.

The company aims for simplicity and ease of use. Continuous innovation ensures their software stays current with technological advancements, providing clients with the most updated features.


Acumatica specializes in cloud-based ERP software that delivers adaptable cloud and mobile technology. Their retail ERP suite includes a variety of integrated business management applications, covering financials, distribution, and CRM.

Designed for flexibility and scalability, Acumatica is suitable for small- to mid-sized retailers. Features like real-time access to business-critical information and automated workflows are at its core.

Customization is a strong suit for Acumatica. They offer ongoing updates and comprehensive customer support, keeping their software modern and user-friendly.

Sage Group is a British multinational offering an array of business management solutions. Their ERP solutions for retail include features like inventory management, financial reporting, and customer data tracking.

Known for user-friendly design and comprehensive customer support, Sage offers both on-premise and cloud-based solutions. This gives retailers the option to choose the best fit for their needs.

Their software is both scalable and customizable, apt for small businesses and larger enterprises alike. Regular updates include the latest features and security measures, ensuring a dependable system.

Syspro offers an ERP software called SYSPRO ERP with retail-focused features like inventory control, order management, and financial accounting. Their aim is to improve operational efficiency and financial control within retail sectors.

Customization and flexibility are key attributes of Syspro. They offer both cloud-based and on-premise solutions and focus on integrating emerging technologies like AI and IoT for a more comprehensive system.

Syspro is committed to ongoing innovation and updates. Extensive customer support ensures that retailers can maximize the benefits of their ERP systems.

Aptean is a global provider of industry-specific software solutions. Their ERP offerings for retail are designed to address the unique needs of this sector, including inventory management, procurement, and point-of-sale systems.

Efficiency and productivity are key focuses for Aptean. Their solutions aim to streamline operations and automate routine tasks, allowing retail staff to focus on more strategic activities.

Like many other vendors, Aptean emphasizes flexibility and customization. Their solutions can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of each retailer, ensuring a good fit with existing operational structures.

Add efficiency to your retail operations with Solink

Just like a well-integrated ERP system can revolutionize how a retailer operates, Solink brings a similar level of transformation through its video surveillance and analytics capabilities. By pairing video footage with POS transaction data, Solink provides actionable insights that can drastically improve decision-making. 

This comprehensive view enables you to identify inefficiencies, monitor customer behavior, and even pinpoint loss prevention opportunities, making your retail operations more efficient and secure.

The value of Solink extends beyond traditional surveillance. By offering real-time alerts and trend identification, Solink allows retailers to react promptly to emerging situations, whether it’s an operational hiccup or an opportunity for improvement. 

To see how Solink can help your retail planning, sign up for a demo today.