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How to leverage AI in the financial services industry (2024)

Professional man with glasses using a tablet in a modern office setting at night.

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The integration of AI in the financial services industry, including the use of AI video analytics for banks, is transforming the landscape of banking and finance. This article delves into the many ways AI and AI video analytics are being leveraged to enhance security measures, streamline operations, and personalize customer experiences. Through a comprehensive exploration of innovative use cases, we highlight the significant impact and potential of AI technologies in revolutionizing the financial services sector, making it more efficient, secure, and responsive to customer needs.

How can you use AI in the financial services industry?

AI is making significant strides in the financial services industry, offering innovative solutions to traditional challenges while opening new avenues for customer engagement and operational efficiency. Through advanced data analysis, AI enables financial institutions to offer personalized banking experiences, tailoring services and products to individual customer needs. This personalization extends from targeted financial advice to customized product offerings, significantly enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Furthermore, AI streamlines operational processes, from automating routine tasks like document verification and transaction processing to optimizing workforce management, thereby reducing costs and improving service delivery. On the risk management front, AI’s predictive capabilities provide institutions with deeper insights into potential risks, from credit assessments to fraud detection, enabling proactive measures to safeguard assets and ensure regulatory compliance. 

The integration of AI across these areas not only enhances the efficiency and security of financial operations but also fosters a more engaging and secure environment for customers.

Professional man with glasses using a tablet in a modern office setting at night.

What does AI video analytics for banks entail?

AI video analytics for banks offers a multifaceted tool for enhancing security, improving operational efficiency, and enriching customer experiences. By analyzing video data in real time, AI video analytics can identify unusual or suspicious behaviors, providing an additional layer of security that helps prevent fraud and theft within banking environments. 

Beyond security, this technology can also optimize branch operations by analyzing customer traffic patterns and service interactions, enabling banks to adjust staffing levels and service offerings to meet customer demand more effectively. Furthermore, AI video analytics can enhance the customer experience by identifying high-demand areas within a branch, allowing for strategic placement of services and promotional displays to maximize engagement. 

Companies specializing in video analytics deliver solutions that seamlessly integrate with AI camera systems, offering actionable insights that help banks safeguard their premises, optimize branch operations, and deliver personalized banking experiences. Through AI video analytics, banks can create a safer, more efficient, and customer-focused environment, leveraging technology to meet the evolving needs of their clientele.

See how Solink’s advanced AI video analytics supports bankers like you.

20 use cases for AI in the financial services industry

The financial services industry is undergoing a transformation, with AI at the forefront of driving innovation, enhancing security, and personalizing customer experiences. From detecting and preventing fraud to optimizing customer service and streamlining operations, AI’s applications within this sector are both varied and impactful.

Here are 20 ways to use AI in the financial services industry:

  1. Fraud detection and prevention
  2. Personalized customer service
  3. Credit risk assessment
  4. Operational efficiency and automation
  5. Market analysis and investment strategy
  6. Anti-money laundering (AML) compliance
  7. Digital identity verification
  8. Behavioral analytics for customer insights
  9. Chatbots for customer service and support
  10. Algorithmic trading and portfolio management
  11. Real-time risk assessment
  12. Mortgage and loan underwriting
  13. Network security and cybersecurity
  14. Customer segmentation and targeting
  15. Compliance monitoring and reporting
  16. AI-driven customer onboarding
  17. Insights-driven product development
  18. Enhancing branch visitor experience
  19. Automated investment advice
  20. Predictive analytics for branch location planning

1. Fraud detection and prevention

Fraudulent activities pose significant risks to financial institutions, affecting their bottom line and damaging customer trust. Traditional methods of fraud detection may not keep pace with the sophistication of modern fraud techniques. This can be mitigated by integrating data sources with bank security camera systems.

AI significantly enhances fraud detection capabilities by analyzing transaction patterns, customer behavior, and external data sources in real time to identify potential fraud. Machine learning models continuously learn from new data, improving their accuracy over time. Companies like Feedzai and Darktrace offer AI-powered fraud detection solutions that help banks and financial institutions proactively identify and prevent fraudulent activities, protecting their assets and maintaining customer trust.

Adopting AI for fraud detection and prevention enables financial institutions to stay ahead of fraudsters, reducing losses and safeguarding customer relationships.

2. Personalized customer service

In the competitive financial services industry, providing personalized customer service is crucial for retaining customers and enhancing satisfaction. Traditional one-size-fits-all approaches may not meet the expectations of today’s customers, who seek tailored banking experiences.

AI transforms customer service by analyzing individual customer data to offer personalized banking advice, product recommendations, and support. 

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide 24/7 customer service, handling inquiries, transactions, and even complex banking tasks with ease. Solutions from companies like Kasisto and Clinc enable financial institutions to deliver highly personalized and efficient customer service, improving engagement and loyalty.

Implementing AI in customer service not only elevates the banking experience for customers but also streamlines operations, allowing financial institutions to allocate resources more effectively.

3. Credit risk assessment

Accurately assessing credit risk is vital for financial institutions to minimize defaults and make informed lending decisions. Traditional credit scoring models may not fully capture the complexities of modern financial behaviors or incorporate alternative data sources.

AI revolutionizes credit risk assessment by employing advanced algorithms that analyze traditional and non-traditional data sources, including transaction history, social media activity, and even mobile phone usage patterns, to predict creditworthiness more accurately. Companies like Upstart and ZestAI provide AI-driven credit assessment tools that offer a more nuanced understanding of an applicant’s financial behavior, enabling more inclusive lending practices and reducing default rates.

By leveraging AI for credit risk assessment, financial institutions can extend credit more confidently, expanding their customer base while managing risk effectively.

4. Operational efficiency and automation

Financial institutions face constant pressure to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. Manual processes in areas such as account opening, document verification, and compliance checks can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

AI streamlines operations by automating routine tasks, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic activities. AI can process documents, verify identities, and perform compliance checks quickly and accurately. Robotic process automation (RPA) solutions, enhanced with AI capabilities from companies like UiPath and Automation Anywhere, enable financial institutions to automate a wide range of processes, significantly improving operational efficiency and reducing costs.

Adopting AI and RPA in financial operations transforms the way institutions manage their workflows, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and ultimately, customer satisfaction.

5. Market analysis and investment strategy

Navigating the complexities of financial markets requires in-depth analysis and timely decision-making. Traditional market analysis techniques may not adequately process the vast amounts of data generated daily in the financial world.

AI excels in analyzing market trends, economic indicators, and financial news to provide actionable insights for investment strategies. Machine learning models can predict market movements, identify investment opportunities, and even automate trading decisions. Solutions from companies like Kensho and Alphasense offer AI-powered market analysis tools that help financial institutions and investors make informed decisions, optimizing investment strategies and enhancing portfolio performance.

Implementing AI for market analysis and investment strategy enables financial institutions to harness the power of data, making more informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.

6. Anti-money laundering (AML) compliance

AML compliance is critical for financial institutions to prevent financial crimes and adhere to regulatory requirements. Traditional AML processes can be labor-intensive and may not catch sophisticated laundering techniques.

AI enhances AML efforts by analyzing transactions in real time, identifying patterns indicative of money laundering activities. Machine learning algorithms can sift through vast amounts of data to detect anomalies, reducing false positives and focusing investigative efforts on genuine threats. Companies like Quantexa and Featurespace offer AI-powered solutions that streamline AML processes, improving detection rates and compliance while reducing operational costs.

Implementing AI for AML compliance allows financial institutions to more effectively combat financial crimes, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards and protecting their operations from associated risks.

7. Digital identity verification

The digital transformation of banking has highlighted the importance of secure and efficient identity verification processes. Traditional methods may be prone to fraud or create friction in customer onboarding experiences.

AI revolutionizes digital identity verification by employing biometric analysis, document verification, and behavioral analytics to confirm identities quickly and accurately. This technology enhances security while streamlining the onboarding process for new accounts, loans, or services. Solutions from companies like Jumio and Onfido provide AI-driven identity verification, minimizing fraud risk and enhancing the customer experience with fast, seamless authentication processes.

Adopting AI for digital identity verification not only secures financial transactions but also facilitates a smoother customer journey, fostering trust and satisfaction from the outset.

8. Behavioral analytics for customer insights

Understanding customer behaviors and preferences is vital for financial institutions to tailor their services and offerings. Traditional data analysis methods may not fully capture the nuances of customer interactions or predict future needs.

AI leverages behavioral analytics to delve deep into customer transaction data, website interactions, and service usage patterns, offering insights into preferences and potential needs. This information enables financial institutions to personalize services, predict customer requirements, and design targeted marketing campaigns. Companies like SAS and FICO offer behavioral analytics solutions that harness AI, allowing banks to engage customers more effectively and anticipate their financial needs.

By leveraging AI for behavioral analytics, financial institutions can deepen customer relationships, improve service personalization, and drive targeted business growth strategies.

9. Chatbots for customer service and support

Providing timely and effective customer service is a challenge for many financial institutions, particularly with the increasing demand for digital services. Traditional customer service channels may struggle with high volumes or fail to offer 24/7 support.

AI-powered chatbots transform customer service by providing instant, round-the-clock assistance for inquiries, transactions, and troubleshooting. These virtual assistants can handle a wide range of customer service tasks, from account inquiries to payment processing, improving service efficiency and customer satisfaction. Solutions from companies like Kore.ai and LivePerson enable financial institutions to deploy sophisticated chatbots, enhancing digital customer service capabilities and freeing human agents to address more complex issues.

Implementing AI-powered chatbots enables financial institutions to meet modern customer service expectations, offering timely, efficient, and personalized assistance that enhances the overall banking experience.

10. Algorithmic trading and portfolio management

The fast-paced nature of financial markets demands quick, data-driven decision-making for trading and portfolio management. Traditional trading strategies may not process information quickly enough to capitalize on market opportunities.

AI and machine learning algorithms excel in analyzing market data, financial news, and economic indicators to inform trading decisions and portfolio management strategies. These algorithms can execute trades at optimal times, manage risk, and identify investment opportunities based on predictive analytics. Companies like QuantConnect and Alpaca offer platforms that support algorithmic trading and AI-driven portfolio management, enabling traders and institutions to leverage advanced analytics for better financial outcomes.

By adopting AI for algorithmic trading and portfolio management, financial institutions and investors can enhance their market strategies, achieving greater precision and efficiency in their investment activities.

11. Real-time risk assessment

Real-time risk assessment is critical in the fast-paced financial landscape, where institutions must quickly evaluate the risk associated with transactions, loans, or investments. Traditional risk assessment methods may rely on outdated information or lack the granularity needed for accurate decision-making.

AI revolutionizes risk assessment by analyzing vast amounts of data in real-time, including transaction histories, market conditions, and customer behavior, to provide instant risk evaluations. This enables financial institutions to make informed decisions swiftly, reducing exposure to potential losses. Companies like Riskified and Kount offer AI-powered risk assessment solutions that enhance the accuracy and speed of these critical evaluations, safeguarding financial operations and customer transactions.

Implementing AI for real-time risk assessment empowers financial institutions to navigate the complexities of risk management with confidence, ensuring safer and more reliable financial services for their customers.

12. Mortgage and loan underwriting

The mortgage and loan underwriting process can be lengthy and complex, requiring detailed analysis of applicants’ financial health, credit history, and risk factors. Traditional underwriting processes may not only be time-consuming but also fail to account for non-traditional data that could inform lending decisions.

AI streamlines mortgage and loan underwriting by leveraging advanced algorithms to analyze both traditional and alternative data sources, providing a more comprehensive view of an applicant’s financial situation. This not only speeds up the underwriting process but also enables more inclusive lending practices by considering a wider range of factors. Companies like Zest AI and Blend are at the forefront of incorporating AI into underwriting processes, enhancing efficiency and expanding access to credit.

By adopting AI in mortgage and loan underwriting, financial institutions can offer faster, more accessible lending services, improving the customer experience and broadening their customer base.

13. Network security and cybersecurity

As financial institutions increasingly move their operations online, the threat of cyberattacks becomes more pronounced. Traditional network security measures may struggle to keep up with the evolving tactics of cybercriminals.

AI enhances network security and cybersecurity by continuously monitoring for suspicious activities, identifying potential threats, and responding to incidents in real time. Machine learning algorithms can detect anomalies that may indicate a breach and initiate automatic countermeasures to protect data and systems. Companies like Darktrace and CrowdStrike provide AI-driven cybersecurity solutions that adapt to counter new threats, offering robust protection for financial institutions and their customers.

Leveraging AI for network security and cybersecurity helps financial institutions safeguard their digital assets and customer information, maintaining trust and compliance in an increasingly digital world.

14. Customer segmentation and targeting

Effectively segmenting and targeting customers allows financial institutions to tailor their products and marketing efforts to specific demographics, improving engagement and conversion rates. Traditional segmentation methods may lack the precision and adaptability needed to resonate with diverse customer groups.

AI revolutionizes customer segmentation by analyzing detailed customer data, including transaction patterns, digital interactions, and lifestyle indicators, to create dynamic, highly targeted customer segments. This enables personalized product offerings and marketing campaigns that better meet the needs and preferences of each segment. Solutions from companies like SAS and Adobe leverage AI for deep customer segmentation and targeting, enhancing marketing effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

By utilizing AI for customer segmentation and targeting, financial institutions can achieve more nuanced marketing strategies, fostering stronger customer relationships and driving business growth.

15. Compliance monitoring and reporting

Staying compliant with the myriad of regulations governing the financial services industry is a constant challenge for institutions. Manual compliance monitoring and reporting processes are not only resource-intensive but also prone to errors.

AI streamlines compliance efforts by automating the monitoring and reporting of regulatory requirements. AI systems can scan transactions, communications, and operations for compliance issues, generating reports and alerts for potential violations. This proactive approach ensures that institutions remain compliant and can quickly address any issues that arise. Companies like ComplyAdvantage and Theta Lake offer AI-powered compliance solutions that reduce the burden of regulatory compliance, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Implementing AI in compliance monitoring and reporting enables financial institutions to navigate the complex regulatory landscape more effectively, reducing risks and ensuring ongoing compliance with industry standards.

16. AI-driven customer onboarding

Customer onboarding is a critical process for financial institutions, setting the tone for the customer relationship. However, traditional onboarding can be cumbersome, requiring significant paperwork and time, potentially leading to customer drop-off.

AI simplifies the onboarding process by automating data collection, verification, and analysis, enabling financial institutions to onboard customers quickly and with fewer errors. AI-powered systems can also personalize the onboarding experience, adjusting procedures based on customer behavior and preferences. Solutions from companies like Alloy and Onfido leverage AI to streamline customer onboarding, making it more efficient and user-friendly, thereby enhancing the overall customer acquisition process.

Implementing AI-driven customer onboarding not only improves operational efficiency but also significantly enhances the customer’s initial engagement with the financial institution, laying the foundation for a strong, lasting relationship.

17. Insights-driven product development

Developing financial products that meet evolving customer needs requires a deep understanding of market trends and customer preferences. Traditional product development processes may rely on limited data sources, potentially resulting in offerings that don’t fully resonate with target customers.

AI transforms product development into an insights-driven process by analyzing vast amounts of data from customer interactions, market research, and financial trends. This allows financial institutions to identify unmet needs, predict future demand, and tailor products to specific customer segments. Companies like Crayon and Cognizant offer AI-driven market and customer insight solutions that inform product development, ensuring that new offerings are both innovative and aligned with customer expectations.

By leveraging AI for insights-driven product development, financial institutions can create more targeted and competitive products, increasing customer satisfaction and driving growth.

18. Enhancing branch visitor experience

While digital banking continues to rise, branch visits remain important for many customers, particularly for complex transactions or personal advice. Traditional branch experiences may not meet the expectations of today’s tech-savvy customers, leading to missed opportunities for engagement.

AI enhances the branch visitor experience by personalizing interactions and streamlining services. AI-powered tools can predict the reason for a visit, prepare relevant materials or staff in advance, and offer personalized advice based on the customer’s banking history. Solutions from companies like UGenie and NCR are making branches more efficient and responsive, leveraging AI to match customers with the right services and advice, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Adopting AI to enhance the branch visitor experience bridges the gap between digital convenience and the personal touch of in-branch banking, offering customers the best of both worlds.

19. Automated investment advice

The demand for accessible and personalized investment advice is growing, but providing this service can be resource-intensive and beyond the reach of many customers. Traditional advisory models may not scale effectively to meet this demand.

AI democratizes investment advice through automated, personalized recommendations that are accessible to a broader customer base. Robo-advisors analyze individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions to offer tailored investment strategies. Companies like Betterment and Wealthfront utilize AI to provide automated investment services, making financial advice more accessible and personalized, thereby empowering customers to make informed investment decisions.

Implementing AI-driven automated investment advice enables financial institutions to expand their advisory services, providing customers with personalized, data-driven investment strategies that meet their unique financial goals.

20. Predictive analytics for branch location planning

Choosing locations for new branches or ATMs involves analyzing numerous factors to predict potential success and customer usage patterns. Traditional location planning methods may not fully capture the complexities of consumer behavior or local market dynamics.

AI employs predictive analytics to analyze demographic data, consumer behavior patterns, and competitive landscapes to identify optimal locations for new branches or ATMs. This data-driven approach ensures that financial institutions invest in locations that will drive maximum engagement and return. 

Companies like Esri and Pitney Bowes offer geospatial analytics solutions powered by AI, providing valuable insights for strategic branch location planning.

By leveraging AI for predictive analytics in branch location planning, financial institutions can make informed decisions about where to expand their physical presence, optimizing accessibility for customers and enhancing market coverage.

Download the free Solink ebook to discover how to protect your ATMs.

Solink’s AI video analytics technology is redefining security and operational efficiency in the banking sector. By offering advanced solutions that monitor and analyze video and bank transaction data in real time, Solink empowers banks to enhance their security protocols, optimize branch operations, and improve the customer banking experience. 

This cutting-edge approach demonstrates the pivotal role of AI video analytics in driving the future of the financial services industry, positioning Solink as a key player in helping banks adapt to the evolving demands of security and customer service.

Looking to unlock the business insights provided by AI video analytics in the financial services industry? See what Solink can do for you.