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40 cannabis dispensary KPIs (2024)

The interior of a store with shelves full of plants.

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In the cannabis industry, understanding and effectively managing cannabis dispensary KPIs (key performance indicators) is crucial for the success and growth of any dispensary. This article explores these vital metrics, shedding light on their importance and how they can drive informed decision-making and strategic planning in cannabis dispensaries.

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The interior of a store with shelves full of plants.

What are cannabis dispensary KPIs?

Cannabis dispensary KPIs (key performance indicators) are specific metrics used to measure and evaluate various aspects of a dispensary’s operations. These KPIs encompass a range of areas, including sales, customer engagement, inventory management, financial health, operational efficiency, marketing effectiveness, quality control, security, digital transformation, and sustainability.

Why should dispensaries track these KPIs?

Tracking KPIs in a cannabis dispensary is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it provides valuable insights into sales performance, such as total sales revenue (TSR), average transaction value (ATV), and sales growth rate (SGR). These sales-related KPIs help dispensaries understand their revenue streams, customer spending patterns, and overall market demand. By analyzing these metrics, dispensaries can make informed decisions on product assortment, pricing strategies, and promotional activities, ultimately driving revenue growth.

Secondly, KPIs related to customer engagement and inventory management, like customer retention rate (CRR), customer satisfaction score (CSS), and inventory turnover ratio (ITR), are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Understanding customer behavior and preferences through CRR and CSS enables dispensaries to tailor their services and products to meet customer needs better, fostering loyalty and repeat business. Efficient inventory management, as indicated by ITR, helps in minimizing stockouts and overstocking, ensuring that the dispensary meets customer demand without incurring unnecessary costs.

Lastly, KPIs in operational efficiency, quality control, and financial health, such as average transaction time (ATT), product return rate (PRR), and net profit margin (NPM), are vital for sustainable business growth. ATT helps dispensaries streamline customer service, enhancing the shopping experience. Monitoring PRR ensures product quality and customer satisfaction, while NPM provides insights into overall profitability, guiding strategic financial planning. In essence, tracking these KPIs enables dispensaries to optimize their operations, ensure customer satisfaction, and maintain financial stability, all of which are critical for long-term success in the competitive cannabis market.

40 cannabis dispensary KPIs to monitor and improve

Cannabis has unique challenges within the retail sector as a highly regulated industry. These regulations can make it harder to advertise and market products, drive traffic into your dispensary, hire for roles, and optimize customer experience. 

Here are 40 cannabis dispensary KPIs to help you evaluate your locations:

  1. Break-even point (BEP)
  2. Cash flow (CF)
  3. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)
  4. Gross margin (GM)
  5. Net profit margin (NPM)
  6. Average transaction value (ATV)
  7. Daily/monthly sales (DMS)
  8. Sales by product category (SPC)
  9. Sales growth rate (SGR)
  10. Total sales revenue (TSR)
  11. Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  12. Customer retention rate (CRR)
  13. Customer satisfaction score (CSS)
  14. Loyalty program participation (LPP)
  15. New customer acquisition (NCA)
  16. Carrying cost of inventory (CCI)
  17. Inventory turnover ratio (ITR)
  18. Product age in inventory (PAI)
  19. Shrinkage rate (SR)
  20. Stock-out frequency (SOF)
  21. Average transaction time (ATT)
  22. Compliance incident rate (CIR)
  23. Employee productivity (EP)
  24. Energy usage (EU)
  25. Operational costs (OC)
  26. Conversion rate (CR)
  27. Cost per lead (CPL)
  28. Email campaign open rate (ECOR)
  29. Marketing ROI (MROI)
  30. Social media engagement (SME)
  31. Batch testing compliance rate (BTCR)
  32. Customer feedback on quality (CFQ)
  33. Product recall frequency (PRF)
  34. Product return rate (PRR)
  35. Quality audit scores (QAS)
  36. CCTV coverage efficiency (CCE)
  37. Emergency response time (ERT)
  38. Employee safety training completion (ESTC)
  39. Incident reports (IR)
  40. Inventory loss due to theft (ILDT)

1. Financial health cannabis dispensary KPIs

In the competitive landscape of the cannabis industry, understanding and monitoring financial health is crucial for dispensaries. Financial health KPIs provide a clear picture of a dispensary’s fiscal status, enabling owners and managers to make informed decisions. These metrics are essential in tracking profitability, managing cash flow, and ensuring long-term sustainability. By regularly analyzing these KPIs, dispensaries can identify financial strengths and areas needing improvement, guiding strategic planning and operational adjustments.

Among the array of financial KPIs, certain ones stand out for their direct impact on a dispensary’s bottom line. Tracking these metrics offers insights into how effectively the dispensary is generating revenue and controlling costs. The ability to interpret and respond to these KPIs can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving in this dynamic market.

2. Break-even point (BEP)

Break-even point formula: Fixed Costs/(Average Price per Unit – Variable Cost per Unit)

The break-even point measures the number of sales needed to cover all expenses. You can find this information in your financial statements. A lower BEP is better, as it means you need fewer sales to start making a profit. Tracking this metric is crucial to understand the financial viability of your business. A high BEP might indicate high fixed costs or low pricing.

How to improve break-even point:

  • Reduce fixed costs by renegotiating leases or cutting unnecessary expenses.
  • Increase prices, if market conditions allow.
  • Improve operational efficiency to lower variable costs.
  • Focus on higher-margin products.
  • Implement marketing strategies to increase sales volume.

3. Cash flow (CF)

Cash flow formula: Cash Received – Cash Spent

Cash flow tracks the net amount of cash moving in and out of the dispensary. This information is available in your cash flow statement. Positive cash flow is better, indicating that the dispensary is generating more cash than it is spending. Tracking cash flow helps in ensuring the dispensary has enough liquidity for day-to-day operations. Negative cash flow can signal issues with sales, pricing, or expense management.

How to improve cash flow:

  • Accelerate receivables by offering early payment incentives.
  • Manage payables by extending terms with suppliers.
  • Optimize inventory to reduce holding costs.
  • Increase sales through promotions or new customer acquisition strategies.
  • Control overhead costs by reducing non-essential spending.

4. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)

EBITDA formula: Net Income + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation + Amortization

EBITDA represents a dispensary’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. It’s calculated from your income statement. Higher EBITDA values are preferable, indicating better financial performance. This metric is vital for understanding a dispensary’s operating profitability. Low EBITDA can indicate operational inefficiencies or excessive operating costs.

How to improve EBITDA:

  • Boost revenue through marketing and customer retention strategies.
  • Streamline operations to reduce costs.
  • Negotiate better terms with suppliers to lower cost of goods sold.
  • Implement cost-control measures across the business.
  • Focus on high-margin products and services.

5. Gross margin (GM)

Gross margin formula: (Total Sales Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold)/Total Sales Revenue

Gross margin measures the percentage of revenue that exceeds the cost of goods sold. You can calculate it from your income statement. A higher gross margin is better, indicating more revenue is retained after covering the cost of goods. This KPI is critical for understanding the profitability of your products. A low gross margin might suggest high production costs or pricing issues.

How to improve gross margin:

  • Increase prices, if feasible in your market.
  • Negotiate better purchasing terms to reduce the cost of goods sold.
  • Optimize inventory management to reduce waste and inefficiencies.
  • Focus on selling higher-margin products.
  • Monitor for potential discount abuse.
  • Improve purchasing strategies to take advantage of volume discounts.

6. Net profit margin (NPM)

Net profit margin formula: Net Income/Total Sales Revenue

Net profit margin shows the percentage of revenue that remains after all expenses are paid. This metric is derived from your income statement. Higher net profit margins are better, indicating more effective cost management and profitability. Tracking NPM helps in assessing the overall financial health of the dispensary. A low NPM can be a warning sign of high operating costs or inadequate sales.

How to improve net profit margin:

  • Increase sales through effective marketing and customer service.
  • Reduce operational expenses without compromising quality.
  • Optimize pricing strategies.
  • Improve inventory turnover to reduce holding costs.
  • Streamline business processes for efficiency.

Sales performance cannabis dispensary KPIs

Sales performance KPIs are vital for any cannabis dispensary. They offer insights into the effectiveness of sales strategies and customer buying behaviors. By monitoring these metrics, dispensaries can gauge their success in attracting and retaining customers, as well as their ability to generate revenue. These KPIs help in identifying trends, understanding customer preferences, and making data-driven decisions to boost sales.

Effective management of sales performance KPIs can lead to increased revenue and market share. Dispensaries can adjust their marketing strategies, product offerings, and customer engagement tactics based on these metrics. Keeping a close eye on sales performance is key to staying competitive and growing in the cannabis industry.

7. Average transaction value (ATV)

Average transaction value formula: Total Sales Revenue/Number of Transactions

Average transaction value measures the average amount spent per transaction. Calculate it from sales data. Higher ATVs indicate customers are spending more per visit. Tracking ATV helps understand customer spending habits. A low ATV might suggest low pricing or limited upselling.

How to improve average transaction value:

  • Implement upselling and cross-selling strategies.
  • Offer bundled products at a slightly reduced price.
  • Train staff to recommend additional products.
  • Introduce loyalty programs to encourage larger purchases.
  • Focus on high-value products that appeal to your customer base.

8. Daily/monthly sales (DMS)

Daily/monthly sales formula: Total Sales Revenue for the Day/Month

This KPI tracks sales revenue over daily or monthly periods. It’s calculated from your sales records. Consistent or increasing DMS indicates healthy business growth. Monitoring DMS is essential for understanding sales trends. A decline in DMS may signal issues in market demand or marketing effectiveness.

How to improve daily/monthly sales:

  • Run time-limited promotions to boost short-term sales.
  • Enhance marketing efforts to attract more customers.
  • Extend operating hours or improve store accessibility.
  • Introduce new products or limited-time offers.
  • Gather customer feedback to adjust product offerings.

9. Sales by product category (SPC)

Sales by product category formula: Total Sales Revenue per Category

This KPI breaks down revenue by different product types. Analyze it using your sales data. High sales in a category indicate strong customer demand. SPC helps in inventory management and marketing focus. Low sales in a category could indicate poor product fit or lack of awareness.

How to improve sales by product category:

  • Increase marketing efforts for underperforming categories.
  • Conduct market research to understand customer preferences.
  • Offer discounts or promotions on slow-moving products.
  • Train staff to better promote certain categories.
  • Reevaluate the product mix to align with customer demands.

10. Sales growth rate (SGR)

Sales growth rate formula: (Current Period Sales – Previous Period Sales)/Previous Period Sales

Sales growth rate measures the rate at which sales revenue is increasing. Calculate it from your sales data over time. A positive SGR is desirable, indicating growing business. Tracking SGR is important for long-term planning. A negative SGR can be a red flag for declining market position.

How to improve sales growth rate:

  • Implement effective sales and marketing strategies.
  • Explore new markets or customer segments.
  • Innovate with new products or services.
  • Enhance customer experience to boost repeat business.
  • Analyze competitors to adopt best practices.

11. Total sales revenue (TSR)

Total sales revenue formula: Sum of All Sales Transactions

Total sales revenue is the overall revenue generated from product sales. It’s calculated from all sales transactions. Higher TSR indicates better business performance. TSR is a fundamental indicator of a dispensary’s success. Low TSR might suggest inadequate sales volume or pricing issues.

How to improve total sales revenue:

  • Expand the customer base through targeted marketing.
  • Optimize pricing strategies for profitability.
  • Increase sales channels, like online or delivery services.
  • Improve in-store experience to attract and retain customers.
  • Regularly review and adjust the product mix.

Customer engagement cannabis dispensary KPIs

Customer engagement KPIs are crucial for cannabis dispensaries to understand and enhance their relationship with customers. These metrics provide insights into how effectively a dispensary is attracting, retaining, and satisfying its customer base. By analyzing these KPIs, dispensaries can develop strategies to improve customer loyalty, increase retention, and ultimately drive sales. Engaging effectively with customers is key to building a strong brand and a loyal customer community in the competitive cannabis market.

Optimizing customer engagement involves understanding customer needs and preferences, personalizing experiences, and maintaining high-quality customer service. Dispensaries that excel in customer engagement are more likely to see repeat business, positive word-of-mouth, and stronger brand loyalty.

12. Customer lifetime value (CLV)

Customer lifetime value formula: Average Revenue per User x (1/Churn Rate)

Customer lifetime value estimates the total revenue a customer will bring over their lifetime. Calculate it using sales and customer data. Higher CLV is preferable, indicating more valuable long-term relationships. CLV is crucial for understanding customer profitability. A low CLV might suggest poor customer retention or low spending.

How to improve customer lifetime value:

  • Enhance customer experience to increase satisfaction.
  • Implement targeted marketing to boost repeat purchases.
  • Develop loyalty programs to encourage frequent visits.
  • Offer personalized promotions based on customer preferences.
  • Focus on high-value customers with tailored services.

13. Customer retention rate (CRR)

Customer retention rate formula: (Number of Customers at End of Period – Number of New Customers)/Number of Customers at Start of Period

Customer retention rate measures the percentage of returning customers. It’s derived from customer transaction data. Higher CRR indicates successful customer loyalty. CRR is important for understanding the effectiveness of retention strategies. A low CRR can indicate dissatisfaction or competitive disadvantages.

How to improve customer retention rate:

  • Provide exceptional customer service consistently.
  • Engage with customers through social media and email.
  • Gather and act on customer feedback.
  • Regularly update product offerings to meet customer needs.
  • Implement a customer loyalty program.

14. Customer satisfaction score (CSS)

Customer satisfaction score formula: Total Score from Customer Surveys/Number of Respondents

Customer satisfaction score reflects overall customer satisfaction ratings. It’s calculated from survey data. A higher CSS is better, showing satisfied customers. CSS helps in assessing service quality and customer perceptions. A low CSS can highlight areas needing improvement in customer experience.

How to improve customer satisfaction score:

  • Train staff in customer service best practices.
  • Address any complaints or issues promptly and effectively.
  • Improve the quality and variety of product offerings.
  • Enhance the in-store or online shopping experience.
  • Regularly solicit and review customer feedback for improvements.

15. Loyalty program participation (LPP)

Loyalty program participation formula: Number of Loyalty Program Members/Total Number of Customers

Loyalty program participation tracks the number of customers participating in loyalty programs. Analyze it using customer membership data. High LPP indicates effective incentives for repeat purchases. LPP is important for fostering customer loyalty. Low LPP might suggest unappealing rewards or poor program promotion.

How to improve loyalty program participation:

  • Offer attractive rewards and benefits for loyalty program members.
  • Promote the loyalty program actively in-store and online.
  • Simplify the sign-up process for the program.
  • Provide exclusive offers or early access to new products.
  • Regularly communicate with members to keep them engaged.

16. New customer acquisition (NCA)

New customer acquisition formula: Total Number of New Customers Acquired

New customer acquisition measures the number of new customers gained. Calculate it from customer data records. High NCA is good, indicating successful outreach and growth. NCA is vital for expanding the customer base. Low NCA can suggest ineffective marketing or market saturation.

How to improve new customer acquisition:

  • Enhance marketing campaigns to reach broader audiences.
  • Offer referral incentives to existing customers.
  • Partner with other businesses for cross-promotion.
  • Attend community events to increase brand visibility.
  • Use social media and digital advertising to attract new customers.

Inventory management cannabis dispensary KPIs

Inventory management KPIs are essential for cannabis dispensaries to efficiently handle their product stock. These metrics help dispensaries track and optimize their inventory levels, ensuring they have the right products in the right quantities at the right time. Effective inventory management is crucial for minimizing costs, avoiding stockouts, and maximizing sales. By closely monitoring these KPIs, dispensaries can make informed decisions about purchasing, stocking, and pricing.

Strategic inventory management leads to improved customer satisfaction, as customers are more likely to find what they want when they want it. It also contributes to better financial performance by reducing unnecessary inventory costs and enhancing sales opportunities.

16. Carrying cost of inventory (CCI)

Carrying cost of inventory formula: Total Cost of Holding Inventory/Average Inventory Value

Carrying cost of inventory reflects the total cost of holding inventory. Calculate it from inventory records and financial statements. Lower CCI is better, indicating more efficient inventory management. CCI is important for identifying cost-saving opportunities. High CCI might suggest overstocking or inefficient storage.

How to improve carrying cost of inventory:

  • Optimize inventory levels to avoid overstocking.
  • Improve warehouse or storage efficiency.
  • Negotiate better terms with suppliers to reduce inventory costs.
  • Implement just-in-time inventory practices.
  • Regularly review and adjust inventory based on sales trends.

17. Inventory turnover ratio (ITR)

Inventory turnover ratio formula: Cost of Goods Sold/Average Inventory Value

Inventory turnover ratio measures the frequency of inventory being sold and replaced. Calculate it using sales and inventory data. Higher ITR is preferable, indicating efficient inventory movement. ITR helps in evaluating the effectiveness of inventory management. A low ITR can indicate overstocking or slow-moving products.

How to improve inventory turnover ratio:

  • Regularly review and adjust product offerings.
  • Implement effective pricing and promotion strategies.
  • Improve demand forecasting to align inventory with sales.
  • Optimize product placement and merchandising.
  • Analyze sales data to identify and address slow-moving items.

18. Product age in inventory (PAI)

Product age in inventory formula: Total Days Inventory Held/Number of Items

Product age in inventory indicates the average time products stay in inventory. Calculate it from inventory records. Lower PAI is better, suggesting faster product movement. PAI is crucial for managing product freshness and appeal. High PAI might indicate stagnant inventory or poor demand forecasting.

How to improve product age in inventory:

  • Implement first-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory practices.
  • Regularly review and clear old stock.
  • Adjust purchasing based on sales trends and seasonality.
  • Promote or discount slow-moving items.
  • Enhance product visibility and accessibility in-store.

19. Shrinkage rate (SR)

Shrinkage rate formula: (Recorded Inventory – Actual Inventory)/Recorded Inventory

Shrinkage rate measures the percentage of inventory loss due to theft, damage, or error. It’s calculated from inventory audits. Lower SR is better, indicating less inventory loss. SR helps in identifying and addressing sources of inventory shrinkage. High SR can be a sign of theft, mismanagement, or poor inventory control.

How to improve shrinkage rate:

20. Stock-out frequency (SOF)

Stock-out frequency formula: Number of Times Items are Out of Stock

Stock-out frequency tracks how often items are out of stock. Analyze it using inventory and sales data. Lower SOF is ideal, ensuring product availability. SOF is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction. Frequent stock-outs might suggest poor inventory planning or high demand for certain products.

How to improve stock-out frequency:

  • Enhance inventory forecasting and planning.
  • Maintain safety stock for high-demand items.
  • Monitor sales trends to predict future demand.
  • Strengthen supplier relationships for reliable restocking.
  • Utilize inventory management software for real-time tracking.

Operational efficiency cannabis dispensary KPIs

Operational efficiency KPIs are pivotal for cannabis dispensaries to streamline their operations and maximize productivity. These metrics enable dispensaries to measure and improve the effectiveness of their daily operations, from transaction processing to resource utilization. Efficient operations are key to reducing costs, enhancing customer experiences, and improving overall business performance. By focusing on operational efficiency, dispensaries can optimize their workflows, ensure compliance, and sustain profitability in a competitive market.

Emphasizing operational efficiency helps dispensaries to stay agile, adapt to market changes, and maintain high standards in service delivery. This approach not only benefits the dispensary’s bottom line but also contributes to a better customer experience.

21. Average transaction time (ATT)

Average transaction time formula: Total Transaction Time/Number of Transactions

Average transaction time measures the time taken to complete a transaction. It’s calculated from transaction data. Lower ATT is desirable, indicating faster service. ATT is crucial for assessing customer service efficiency. A high ATT might suggest slow processes or inadequate staffing.

How to improve average transaction time:

  • Streamline the checkout process with efficient POS systems.
  • Train staff to handle transactions quickly and effectively.
  • Implement self-service options where appropriate.
  • Regularly review and optimize in-store workflows.
  • Use technology to facilitate faster transactions.

22. Compliance incident rate (CIR)

Compliance incident rate formula: Number of Compliance Incidents/Total Number of Transactions

Compliance incident rate tracks the frequency of compliance-related incidents. Calculate it from compliance and transaction records. Lower CIR is better, reflecting adherence to regulations. CIR is important for minimizing legal risks and maintaining reputation. High CIR can indicate inadequate training or poor compliance management.

How to improve compliance incident rate:

  • Conduct regular compliance training for all staff.
  • Ensure your cloud and local video storage meet regulatory requirements.
  • Stay updated with regulatory changes and implement them promptly.
  • Implement strict compliance monitoring systems.
  • Regularly audit processes for compliance adherence.
  • Foster a culture of compliance within the organization.

23. Employee productivity (EP)

Employee productivity formula: Total Sales or Tasks Completed/Number of Employees

Employee productivity measures the sales or tasks completed per employee. Analyze it using sales and staffing data. Higher EP indicates more efficient workforce utilization. EP helps in evaluating staff performance and operational efficiency. Low EP might suggest inadequate training or staffing issues.

How to improve employee productivity:

  • Provide ongoing training and development opportunities.
  • Set clear performance goals and expectations.
  • Offer incentives and recognition for high performance.
  • Optimize staffing levels and schedules.
  • Invest in tools and technology to enhance efficiency.

24. Energy usage (EU)

Energy usage formula: Total Energy Consumption

Energy usage tracks the total energy consumption of the dispensary. It’s calculated from utility bills and energy reports. Lower EU is preferable, indicating energy efficiency. EU is important for cost management and environmental responsibility. High EU can suggest inefficient energy use or outdated equipment.

How to improve energy usage:

  • Implement energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems.
  • Ensure dispensaries turn their lights off at night with remote video monitoring.
  • Regularly maintain equipment to ensure efficient operation.
  • Utilize smart energy management systems.
  • Educate staff on energy-saving practices.
  • Opt for renewable energy sources where possible.

25. Operational costs (OC)

Operational costs formula: Total Costs of Running the Dispensary Operations

Operational costs reflect the total costs of running the dispensary operations. Calculate it from financial records. Lower OC is better, indicating cost-effective operations. OC is crucial for financial management and profitability. High OC might indicate inefficiencies or excessive spending.

How to improve operational costs:

  • Review and negotiate supplier contracts for better rates.
  • Implement cost-saving measures in daily operations.
  • Optimize inventory management to reduce waste.
  • Automate repetitive tasks to reduce labor costs.
  • Regularly review and adjust operational strategies for efficiency.

Marketing and outreach cannabis dispensary KPIs

Marketing and outreach KPIs are fundamental for cannabis dispensaries to evaluate the effectiveness of their promotional strategies. These metrics provide insights into how well a dispensary is engaging with its audience, attracting new customers, and generating interest in its products. Effective marketing and outreach are crucial for building brand awareness, driving foot traffic, and increasing sales. By closely monitoring these KPIs, dispensaries can fine-tune their marketing efforts, optimize their advertising spend, and achieve better ROI.

In the rapidly evolving cannabis market, dispensaries that excel in marketing and outreach can differentiate themselves and capture a larger share of the market. This requires a keen understanding of customer preferences, market trends, and the impact of various marketing channels.

26. Conversion rate (CR)

Conversion rate formula: Number of Conversions/Number of Visitors

Conversion rate measures the percentage of visitors who make a purchase. It’s calculated from sales and traffic data. Higher CR is better, indicating effective marketing and sales tactics. CR is vital for assessing the effectiveness of marketing efforts. A low CR might suggest issues in targeting, messaging, or sales processes.

How to improve conversion rate:

  • Optimize website and in-store layout for easier navigation.
  • Implement targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Improve product descriptions and display.
  • Offer promotions or incentives to encourage purchases.
  • Analyze customer feedback to refine sales strategies.

27. Cost per lead (CPL)

Cost per lead formula: Total Marketing Costs/Number of Leads Generated

Cost per lead tracks the average cost to acquire a potential customer lead. Calculate it from marketing spend and lead data. Lower CPL is preferable, indicating cost-effective marketing. CPL is important for budget efficiency and marketing strategy. High CPL can signal inefficiencies or misaligned marketing efforts.

How to improve cost per lead:

  • Optimize advertising campaigns for higher conversion.
  • Utilize more cost-effective marketing channels.
  • Refine targeting to reach more relevant audiences.
  • Leverage organic marketing strategies like SEO and content marketing.
  • Regularly review and adjust marketing tactics based on performance.

28. Email campaign open rate (ECOR)

Email campaign open rate formula: Number of Opened Emails/Number of Emails Sent

Email campaign open rate reflects the percentage of opened email marketing campaigns. It’s derived from email campaign data. Higher ECOR is better, suggesting engaging content. ECOR helps in evaluating email marketing effectiveness. A low ECOR can indicate poor subject lines or irrelevant content.

How to improve email campaign open rate:

  • Craft compelling and personalized subject lines.
  • Segment email lists for targeted messaging.
  • Test and optimize send times.
  • Provide valuable and relevant content.
  • Use engaging visuals and clear call-to-actions.

29. Marketing ROI (MROI)

Marketing ROI formula: (Gain from Marketing – Cost of Marketing)/Cost of Marketing

Marketing ROI measures the return on investment for marketing campaigns. Calculate it from revenue generated and marketing expenses. Higher MROI indicates more effective marketing. MROI is crucial for assessing the financial impact of marketing activities. Low MROI might suggest misallocated resources or ineffective strategies.

How to improve marketing ROI:

  • Target marketing efforts to high-value customer segments.
  • Measure and analyze campaign performance regularly.
  • Adjust strategies based on data-driven insights.
  • Invest in high-performing marketing channels.
  • Continuously refine messaging and creative elements.

30. Social media engagement (SME)

Social media engagement formula: Total Interactions on Social Media/Total Followers

Social media engagement tracks likes, shares, and comments on social media. It’s calculated from social media analytics. Higher SME indicates better audience interaction. SME is important for building brand presence and customer relationships. Low SME can suggest unengaging content or poor social media strategy.

How to improve social media engagement:

  • Post relevant and engaging content regularly.
  • Interact with followers through comments and messages.
  • Use visually appealing images and videos.
  • Run social media contests or promotions.
  • Leverage influencers or partnerships to expand reach.

Quality control cannabis dispensary KPIs

Quality control KPIs are critical for cannabis dispensaries to ensure product safety, compliance, and customer satisfaction. These metrics allow dispensaries to monitor and maintain the quality of their products, from sourcing to sale. Maintaining high standards in quality control is essential for building trust with customers, adhering to regulatory requirements, and differentiating the dispensary in a competitive market. By closely tracking these KPIs, dispensaries can identify areas for improvement, prevent product issues, and uphold their reputation for quality.

Effective quality control not only safeguards the dispensary’s products but also contributes to customer loyalty and business longevity. It demonstrates a commitment to excellence and a dedication to providing customers with the best possible experience.

31. Batch testing compliance rate (BTCR)

Batch testing compliance rate formula: Number of Compliant Batches/Total Number of Batches Tested

Batch testing compliance rate measures compliance with testing requirements. Calculate it from testing records. Higher BTCR is better, indicating adherence to quality standards. BTCR is crucial for ensuring product safety and regulatory compliance. A low BTCR can signal potential quality issues or compliance risks.

How to improve batch testing compliance rate:

  • Implement rigorous quality control processes.
  • Train staff on compliance and testing procedures.
  • Regularly review and update testing protocols.
  • Work closely with trusted suppliers for quality assurance.
  • Conduct internal audits to ensure consistent compliance.

32. Customer feedback on quality (CFQ)

Customer feedback on quality formula: Total Positive Feedback/Total Feedback Received

Customer feedback on quality reflects feedback regarding product quality. It’s derived from customer surveys and reviews. Higher CFQ is desirable, showing customer satisfaction with product quality. CFQ helps in assessing product appeal and customer expectations. Low CFQ might indicate dissatisfaction with product standards.

How to improve customer feedback on quality:

  • Regularly gather and analyze customer feedback.
  • Respond to customer concerns and implement improvements.
  • Enhance product sourcing and selection criteria.
  • Conduct regular staff training on product knowledge.
  • Ensure consistent product quality through regular checks.

33. Product recall frequency (PRF)

Product recall frequency formula: Number of Product Recalls/Total Number of Products Sold

Product recall frequency measures the frequency of product recalls. Calculate it from recall and sales records. Lower PRF is better, indicating fewer quality issues. PRF is important for monitoring product safety and customer trust. High PRF can harm the dispensary’s reputation and customer confidence.

How to improve product recall frequency:

  • Strengthen quality checks before products reach the shelves.
  • Maintain detailed records for traceability.
  • Establish clear procedures for handling recalls effectively.
  • Regularly train staff on recall processes and customer communication.
  • Stay updated with industry best practices for product safety.

34. Product return rate (PRR)

Product return rate formula: Number of Returned Products/Total Number of Products Sold

Product return rate tracks the rate of returned or defective products. It’s derived from sales and return data. Lower PRR is preferable, indicating higher product satisfaction. PRR helps in identifying issues with product quality or customer expectations. A high PRR can suggest quality control problems or misaligned product offerings.

How to improve product return rate:

  • Conduct thorough quality inspections before sale.
  • Provide accurate and detailed product descriptions.
  • Offer staff training to ensure correct product recommendations.
  • Implement feedback mechanisms to identify product issues.
  • Foster a customer-centric approach to address and resolve returns.

35. Quality audit scores (QAS)

Quality audit scores formula: Total Points Achieved/Total Possible Points

Quality audit scores reflect scores from internal or external quality audits. Calculate them from audit reports. Higher QAS is indicative of better quality standards. QAS is vital for continuous quality improvement. Low QAS might highlight areas needing immediate attention and improvement.

How to improve quality audit scores:

  • Regularly review and update quality standards and procedures.
  • Engage in continuous staff training on quality practices.
  • Implement corrective actions based on audit findings.
  • Foster a culture of quality and continuous improvement.
  • Utilize external expertise for unbiased quality assessments.

Security and safety cannabis dispensary KPIs

Security and safety KPIs are paramount for cannabis dispensaries to ensure a secure and safe environment for both customers and staff. These metrics are crucial for protecting assets, complying with regulations, and maintaining a trustworthy reputation. Effective security and safety management not only minimizes risks but also enhances the overall experience for customers and employees. By diligently monitoring these KPIs, dispensaries can identify vulnerabilities, implement improvements, and foster a culture of safety and security.

In an industry where compliance and security are highly scrutinized, maintaining robust security and safety practices is essential. It reflects a dispensary’s commitment to operational excellence and responsible business practices.

36. CCTV coverage efficiency (CCE)

CCTV coverage efficiency formula: Area Covered by CCTV/Total Area of the Dispensary

CCTV coverage efficiency measures the effectiveness of surveillance coverage. It’s calculated from surveillance system data. Higher CCE is better, indicating comprehensive monitoring. CCE is important for deterrence and investigation of security incidents. Low CCE can suggest areas vulnerable to security breaches.

How to improve CCTV coverage efficiency:

  • Conduct a thorough assessment of current CCTV coverage.
  • Upgrade or reposition cameras for optimal coverage.
  • Use Camera Linking to understand how your CCTV camera coverage overlaps.
  • Regularly maintain and test the surveillance system.
  • Integrate advanced surveillance technologies.
  • Train staff on effectively monitoring and responding to CCTV footage.

37. Emergency response time (ERT)

Emergency response time formula: Time Taken to Respond to Emergencies

Emergency response time tracks the time taken to respond to emergencies. It’s measured from incident logs. Lower ERT is preferable, reflecting quicker response to incidents. ERT is crucial for mitigating risks and ensuring safety. A high ERT might indicate inadequate emergency preparedness or response protocols.

How to improve emergency response time:

38. Employee safety training completion (ESTC)

Employee safety training completion formula: Number of Staff Completing Safety Training/Total Staff

Employee safety training completion measures the percentage of staff completing safety training. Calculate it from training records. Higher ESTC is ideal, ensuring well-trained staff. ESTC is vital for workplace safety and compliance. Low ESTC can lead to increased risks and accidents.

How to improve employee safety training completion:

  • Make safety training mandatory for all employees.
  • Offer engaging and relevant training content.
  • Schedule regular training sessions.
  • Monitor and track employee training progress.
  • Reinforce the importance of safety in the workplace culture.

39. Incident reports (IR)

Incident reports formula: Number of Security or Safety Incidents Reported

Incident reports track the number of security or safety incidents reported. Analyze them from incident logs. Lower IR is better, suggesting a safer environment. IR helps in identifying and addressing safety and security issues. A high number of incidents can indicate lapses in security measures or safety protocols.

How to improve incident reports:

  • Review and analyze each incident for root causes.
  • Strengthen security measures and protocols.
  • Implement preventive measures based on incident trends.
  • Foster an environment where staff promptly report incidents.
  • Regularly update safety and security policies.

40. Inventory loss due to theft (ILDT)

Inventory loss due to theft formula: Value of Inventory Lost to Theft

Inventory loss due to theft measures the value of inventory lost to theft. It’s calculated from inventory and incident records. Lower ILDT is preferable, indicating better security. ILDT is essential for asset protection and loss prevention. High ILDT can be a sign of inadequate security measures or internal theft.

How to improve inventory loss due to theft:

Leveraging innovative tools on Solink can be a game-changer for dispensaries. Solink’s unique ability to pair video surveillance with various cannabis dispensary KPIs offers an unmatched advantage. 

By integrating video data with key performance indicators, dispensaries can gain deeper insights into their operations, customer behavior, and overall business performance. This integration allows for more accurate monitoring, quicker decision-making, and enhanced operational efficiency.

To see how Solink can help you improve your dispensary KPIs, sign up for a demo today.