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55 restaurant KPI examples to benchmark your performance

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Understanding and monitoring restaurant KPI examples is essential for success. These indicators provide insights into various aspects of restaurant operations, guiding owners and managers in making informed decisions to enhance performance and growth.

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55 Restaurant KPI Examples

In the fast-paced and dynamic world of the restaurant industry, staying ahead requires a deep understanding of various aspects of the business. This is where key performance indicators (KPIs) become indispensable. KPIs offer measurable values that reflect the effectiveness of a restaurant in achieving key business objectives. From enhancing customer experience to optimizing operational efficiency, these metrics provide crucial insights for informed decision-making and strategic planning. 

Monitoring and improving these KPIs can lead to better financial performance, improved customer satisfaction, and sustained business growth.

The following 55 restaurant KPI examples are categorized into 11 key areas, each focusing on a specific aspect of restaurant operations and performance:

  1. Customer experience restaurant KPI examples
  2. Employee management restaurant KPI examples
  3. Financial management restaurant KPI examples
  4. Health and safety restaurant KPI examples
  5. Loss prevention and security restaurant KPI examples
  6. Marketing and promotion restaurant KPI examples
  7. Operational efficiency restaurant KPI examples
  8. Sales and revenue restaurant KPI examples
  9. Strategic growth restaurant KPI examples
  10. Sustainability restaurant KPI examples
  11. Technology and innovation restaurant KPI examples

Together, these KPIs provide a comprehensive toolkit for restaurant managers and owners to assess, manage, and enhance various facets of their business, ensuring sustained growth and success in a competitive industry.

Customer experience restaurant KPI examples

Improving customer experience is crucial in the restaurant industry. It directly impacts customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the overall success of the business. Tracking and analyzing customer experience KPIs helps restaurants identify improvement areas, elevate service quality, and create a more enjoyable dining environment. Enhanced customer experience results in increased repeat business, higher spending, and positive word-of-mouth, crucial for a restaurant’s reputation and profitability.

Focusing on customer experience enables restaurants to stand out in a competitive market, meet and exceed customer expectations, and adapt to changing trends. It ensures a memorable dining experience, encouraging customers to return and recommend the restaurant to others.

1. Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)

CSAT formula: (Number of satisfied customers/Total number of customers surveyed) x 100

The customer satisfaction score measures the level of satisfaction of customers with their dining experience. It is calculated through customer surveys. Higher CSAT scores indicate better customer satisfaction. Lower scores might suggest issues in service, ambiance, or food quality. To improve CSAT, restaurants can focus on staff training, enhancing the dining atmosphere, and providing high-quality food. Regularly addressing customer feedback is also crucial.

2. Net promoter score (NPS)

NPS formula: (Percentage of promoters – Percentage of detractors) x 100

The net promoter score assesses the likelihood of customers recommending the restaurant. It categorizes customers based on their likelihood to recommend. A high NPS indicates strong customer loyalty. A low NPS can highlight issues affecting customer advocacy. Improving NPS involves elevating customer satisfaction and addressing specific complaints.

3. Customer complaints (CC)

CC formula: Total number of customer complaints within a period

This KPI tracks the number and nature of customer complaints. Fewer complaints typically indicate better customer satisfaction. A high number of complaints might point to issues in service or quality. To reduce complaints, focus on staff training, quality control, and effective complaint resolution.

4. Repeat customer rate (RCR)

RCR formula: (Number of repeat customers/Total number of customers) x 100

This metric measures the percentage of customers returning to the restaurant. A higher rate indicates customer loyalty. A low rate can signal issues in the dining experience. Strategies to improve this KPI include personalized service, loyalty programs, and consistent quality.

5. Online reviews and ratings (ORR)

ORR formula: Average rating from online review platforms

This KPI reflects the average score of a restaurant on online review platforms. Higher ratings can enhance reputation and attract new customers. Lower ratings can be improved by encouraging positive reviews, responding professionally to negative feedback, and continually improving service and food quality.

Employee management restaurant KPI examples

Effective employee management is pivotal in the restaurant industry, as it directly influences service quality, operational efficiency, and overall customer satisfaction. Tracking employee management KPIs allows restaurants to assess staff performance, job satisfaction, and workforce efficiency. Improving these metrics can lead to a more motivated and productive workforce, better customer service, and reduced operational costs. Good employee management practices foster a positive work environment, which translates to better customer experiences and business success.

In a sector where employee turnover is traditionally high, these KPIs help in understanding the workforce dynamics and in implementing strategies to retain skilled staff. They also provide insights into training effectiveness and areas where staff development is needed, ensuring that employees are well-equipped to meet the demands of their roles.

6. Staff turnover rate (STR)

STR formula: (Number of employees leaving/Average number of employees) x 100

The staff turnover rate measures the rate at which employees leave and are replaced. A high turnover rate can indicate dissatisfaction or a mismatch between the job and employee expectations. A lower rate is generally preferred as it suggests stability and employee satisfaction. To improve this KPI, focus on employee engagement, competitive compensation, and creating a positive work culture.

7. Employee satisfaction (ES)

ES formula: Average score from employee satisfaction surveys

Employee satisfaction is gauged through surveys where staff rate their workplace experience. Higher scores suggest a content and motivated workforce, while lower scores can indicate issues in the work environment, management, or job roles. Enhancing employee satisfaction can involve addressing feedback from staff, providing career development opportunities, and ensuring a healthy work-life balance.

8. Training completion rate (TCR)

TCR formula: (Number of employees who completed training/Total number of employees enrolled) x 100

This KPI tracks the percentage of staff completing training programs. A high completion rate indicates effective training and staff engagement. A lower rate might suggest issues with the training program’s relevance or accessibility. To improve TCR, ensure that training is engaging, relevant, and aligns with employee needs and schedules.

9. Labor productivity (LP)

LP formula: Revenue earned/Total labor hours

Labor productivity measures the revenue generated per labor hour. Higher productivity indicates efficient use of labor, while lower productivity may point to issues in workforce management or operational inefficiencies. Improving labor productivity can be achieved through effective scheduling, staff training, eliminating time theft, and optimizing operational processes.

10. Overtime hours (OH)

OH formula: Total number of overtime hours worked

This metric tracks the amount of overtime worked by employees. Excessive overtime can indicate understaffing or poor workload management, potentially leading to employee burnout. Managing overtime hours effectively involves efficient scheduling, adequate staffing, and ensuring workload balance.

Financial management restaurant KPI examples

Financial management is a cornerstone of any successful restaurant business. Effective tracking of financial KPIs provides insights into the economic health and sustainability of the restaurant. These metrics help in identifying areas where costs can be reduced, revenues can be increased, and profitability can be enhanced. Focusing on financial management KPIs is essential for long-term success, as it allows for better budgeting, financial planning, and strategic decision-making. Improved financial performance not only ensures business viability but also creates opportunities for growth and expansion.

In the restaurant industry, where margins can often be tight, monitoring these KPIs is crucial for maintaining financial stability and competitiveness. They assist in understanding cash flow dynamics, cost control mechanisms, and revenue generation effectiveness.

11. Gross profit margin (GPM)

GPM formula: (Total revenue – Cost of goods sold)/Total revenue x 100

The gross profit margin measures the percentage of revenue exceeding the cost of goods sold. A higher margin indicates more efficient cost management and profitability. A lower margin may suggest high costs or pricing issues. Enhancing GPM can involve optimizing menu pricing, reducing food waste, and negotiating better supplier contracts.

12. Operating cash flow (OCF)

OCF formula: Cash received from operating activities – Cash spent on operating activities

Operating cash flow reflects the cash generated or used in the restaurant’s daily operations. Positive cash flow indicates a healthy financial state, whereas negative cash flow can signal potential financial difficulties. Improving OCF involves managing receivables and payables efficiently, controlling operating expenses, and optimizing inventory management.

13. EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization)

EBITDA formula: Revenue – Expenses (excluding tax, interest, depreciation, and amortization)

EBITDA provides an understanding of the restaurant’s operational profitability before the influence of financial and accounting decisions. Higher EBITDA indicates better operational efficiency. Strategies to improve EBITDA include enhancing revenue streams and controlling operational expenses.

14. Budget variance (BV)

BV formula: (Actual spending or revenue – Budgeted spending or revenue)/Budgeted amount x 100

Budget variance measures the difference between the budgeted and actual financial performance. A variance can indicate either better or worse performance than planned. A positive variance is usually favorable, while a negative variance can highlight areas needing attention. To minimize budget variance, enhance budgeting accuracy and regularly monitor financial performance.

15. Debt-to-equity ratio (DER)

DER formula: Total liabilities/Shareholders’ equity

The debt-to-equity ratio assesses the financial leverage of the restaurant. A higher ratio might indicate reliance on debt financing, whereas a lower ratio suggests funding primarily through equity. While some debt can be beneficial, excessive debt increases financial risk. Managing DER involves balancing debt and equity financing to ensure financial stability.

Health and safety restaurant KPI examples

Health and safety are of paramount importance in the restaurant industry. Ensuring a safe environment for both customers and employees is not only a legal requirement but also critical for maintaining a reputable and sustainable business. Effective monitoring of health and safety KPIs helps in identifying potential risks, ensuring compliance with regulations, and promoting a culture of safety. Improving these KPIs can lead to a safer workplace, reduced risk of accidents, and enhanced customer trust. It also mitigates potential legal liabilities and financial losses due to non-compliance or safety incidents.

In an industry where the well-being of staff and customers directly affects business success, prioritizing health and safety practices is essential. These KPIs provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of safety protocols and training, and the overall safety culture of the restaurant.

16. Health inspection scores (HIS)

HIS formula: Average score from health and safety inspections

Health inspection scores reflect the compliance of a restaurant with health and safety regulations. Higher scores indicate better compliance and a safer dining environment. Lower scores can lead to legal issues and damage to the restaurant’s reputation. To improve HIS, focus on regular staff training in health and safety practices, maintaining cleanliness, and ensuring food safety protocols are followed.

17. Accident and incident reports (AIR)

AIR formula: Total number of reported accidents and incidents

This KPI tracks the number and nature of workplace accidents and incidents. Fewer reports suggest a safer work environment. A high number of incidents can indicate safety management issues. Improving this metric involves implementing effective safety procedures, regular safety audits, and encouraging a culture of safety awareness among staff.

18. Food safety compliance (FSC)

FSC formula: Percentage of compliance with food safety checks

Food safety compliance measures adherence to food safety standards and regulations. A high compliance rate is crucial for customer health and business reputation. A low rate can lead to health risks and regulatory penalties. Enhancing FSC requires stringent adherence to food handling protocols, regular staff training in food safety, and proper storage and cooking practices.

19. Employee health and safety training completion (EHSTC)

EHSTC formula: (Number of employees who completed health and safety training/Total number of employees) x 100

This KPI tracks the percentage of staff completing health and safety training programs. High completion rates indicate a well-trained workforce aware of safety practices. To improve EHSTC, ensure that training is accessible, engaging, and regularly updated to reflect current standards and practices.

20. Emergency response time (ERT)

ERT formula: Average time taken to respond to emergencies

Emergency response time measures how quickly the restaurant responds to emergency situations. Faster response times can prevent escalation of incidents and reduce potential harm. Improving ERT involves regular emergency drills, clear emergency procedures, and ensuring easy access to emergency equipment. Solink Video Alarms Monitoring Service can help improve emergency response times in your restaurant.

Loss prevention and security restaurant KPI examples

Loss prevention and security are critical components in the restaurant industry, ensuring the safety of assets, employees, and customers. Effectively managing these aspects helps in minimizing risks associated with theft, fraud, and other security breaches. 

Tracking loss prevention and security KPIs allows restaurants to assess the effectiveness of their security measures, identify areas prone to loss, and implement strategies to mitigate these risks. Improved performance in this category can lead to significant cost savings, a safer work environment, and enhanced customer trust. In an industry where margins can be thin, preventing loss is as important as generating revenue.

Prioritizing loss prevention and security is crucial for maintaining business integrity and reputation. These KPIs provide insights into the effectiveness of security systems, employee adherence to security protocols, and the overall safety of the restaurant environment.

21. Shrinkage rate (SR)

SR formula: (Value of lost inventory/Total inventory value) x 100

The shrinkage rate measures the percentage of inventory loss due to theft, error, or damage. A lower SR is ideal as it indicates less loss. High shrinkage can significantly impact profitability. To reduce shrinkage, enhance inventory management practices, implement effective security measures, and train staff in loss prevention techniques.

22. Incident response time (IRT)

IRT formula: Average time taken to respond to security incidents

This KPI assesses the effectiveness of the response to security incidents. A shorter IRT is better as it suggests efficient handling of incidents, potentially minimizing their impact. To improve IRT, ensure staff are well-trained in emergency procedures, maintain clear communication channels, and have efficient security systems in place.

23. Loss prevention training completion rate (LPTCR)

LPTCR formula: (Number of employees who completed loss prevention training/Total number of employees) x 100

LPTCR measures the percentage of staff completing training in loss prevention and security. High completion rates indicate a workforce knowledgeable in handling and preventing security incidents. Enhancing LPTCR can involve making training more accessible and engaging, and emphasizing its importance to staff.

24. Security breach frequency (SBF)

SBF formula: Number of security breaches over a specified period

Security breach frequency indicates the number of times security has been compromised. Fewer breaches signify more effective security measures. To reduce SBF, invest in robust security systems, conduct regular security audits, and foster a culture of security awareness.

25. CCTV effectiveness score (CES)

CES formula: Effectiveness rating of CCTV systems based on incident detection and prevention

The CCTV effectiveness score evaluates how well restaurant CCTV systems deter and identify potential theft or security breaches. A high CES suggests that the CCTV system is effectively contributing to the restaurant’s security. Improving CES involves regular maintenance of CCTV equipment, ensuring optimal placement for coverage, and integrating advanced video monitoring technologies, like those provided by companies specializing in cloud video security. 

A deep focus on your CCTV effectiveness score can lead to your security cameras going from a cost driver to profit center.

Marketing and promotion restaurant KPI examples

Marketing and promotion are vital for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones in the competitive restaurant industry. Effectively tracking these KPIs enables restaurants to gauge the success of their marketing efforts, understand customer acquisition costs, and measure the impact of promotional activities. Improved performance in this area can significantly increase customer footfall, boost brand awareness, and drive revenue growth. In a landscape where customer preferences and market trends are constantly evolving, adaptive and strategic marketing is key to staying relevant and appealing to the target audience.

Investing in marketing and promotion not only helps in expanding the customer base but also plays a crucial role in building a strong brand identity. These KPIs offer insights into the effectiveness of different marketing channels and strategies, helping restaurants to optimize their marketing spend and achieve a better return on investment.

26. Return on marketing investment (ROMI)

ROMI formula: (Revenue generated from marketing efforts – Marketing expenditure)/Marketing expenditure

Return on marketing investment measures the profitability and effectiveness of marketing campaigns. A higher ROMI indicates more efficient and successful marketing strategies. To enhance ROMI, focus on targeted marketing campaigns, analyze customer data to identify effective channels, and continually adjust strategies based on performance feedback.

27. Social media engagement (SME)

SME formula: Total interactions (likes, shares, comments) on social media posts/Total number of posts

Social media engagement assesses the level of interaction and engagement on social media platforms. High engagement suggests effective content strategy and strong customer connection. To improve SME, create engaging and relevant content, interact with followers, and use analytics to understand audience preferences.

28. Email campaign open and click rates (ECOCR)

ECOCR formula: (Number of emails opened/Total emails sent) and (Number of clicks on email content/Total emails sent)

Email campaign open and click rates measure the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns. Higher rates indicate that the emails are appealing and relevant to the audience. To increase ECOCR, segment email lists for targeted messaging, craft compelling subject lines, and include clear calls-to-action in the emails.

29. Promotion redemption rate (PRR)

PRR formula: (Number of redeemed promotions/Total promotions distributed) x 100

The promotion redemption rate tracks the usage rate of promotional offers. A high PRR indicates successful promotions that resonate with customers. To boost PRR, ensure promotions are valuable to customers, easily accessible, and well-advertised.

30. Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

CAC formula: Total marketing expenditure/Number of new customers acquired

Customer acquisition cost quantifies the cost involved in acquiring a new customer. A lower CAC is preferable as it signifies efficient use of marketing resources. Reducing CAC involves refining marketing strategies, improving targeting accuracy, and enhancing the overall customer experience to attract customers more organically.

Operational efficiency restaurant KPI examples

Operational efficiency is fundamental in the restaurant business, directly impacting profitability and customer satisfaction. Efficient operations ensure that resources are optimally utilized, services are delivered effectively, and customers are consistently satisfied. Tracking operational efficiency KPIs enables restaurants to streamline processes, reduce waste, and enhance overall productivity. Improvements in this area can lead to cost savings, faster service, and higher quality offerings, all of which contribute to a better customer experience and increased business success.

In an industry where margins can be tight and customer expectations high, focusing on operational efficiency is crucial. These KPIs help in identifying areas of inefficiency, monitoring the effectiveness of process improvements, and ensuring that the restaurant operates smoothly and sustainably.

31. Labor cost percentage (LCP)

LCP formula: (Total labor costs/Total revenue) x 100

The labor cost percentage measures the proportion of revenue spent on labor. A lower LCP indicates more efficient labor management and cost control. High LCP can suggest overstaffing or inefficiencies. To improve LCP, optimize staffing schedules, enhance staff training to increase productivity, and implement labor-saving technologies.

32. Food cost percentage (FCP)

FCP formula: (Total food costs/Total revenue) x 100

Food cost percentage reflects the proportion of revenue spent on food supplies. A lower FCP is desirable as it indicates better cost management and profitability. High FCP might point to excessive waste or overpricing from suppliers. Improving FCP involves careful menu pricing, efficient inventory management, and reducing food waste.

33. Inventory turnover rate (ITR)

ITR formula: Cost of goods sold/Average inventory value

The inventory turnover rate measures how frequently inventory is used and replenished. A higher ITR suggests efficient inventory management, while a lower ITR can indicate overstocking or slow-moving items. Enhancing ITR involves balancing inventory levels with demand, regularly reviewing inventory practices, and reducing wastage.

34. Kitchen prep time (KPT)

KPT formula: Average time taken to prepare dishes

Kitchen prep time assesses the efficiency of meal preparation. Shorter KPT means faster service and increased customer satisfaction. Long prep times can lead to delays and customer dissatisfaction. To reduce KPT, streamline kitchen processes, ensure adequate staff training, and implement efficient cooking techniques.

35. Order accuracy rate (OAR)

OAR formula: (Number of correctly prepared orders/Total orders) x 100

Order accuracy rate measures the percentage of orders prepared correctly. High OAR is crucial for customer satisfaction and reducing waste. A low OAR might result in customer complaints and increased operational costs. Improving OAR involves clear communication systems, effective order management processes, and regular staff training.

Sales and revenue restaurant KPI examples

Sales and revenue are the lifeblood of any restaurant, indicating its market appeal and operational success. Monitoring sales and revenue KPIs is crucial for understanding business performance, identifying growth opportunities, and making informed strategic decisions. These metrics help restaurants to track financial health, adapt to market changes, and evaluate the success of marketing and operational strategies. Improving sales and revenue KPIs can lead to increased profitability, business expansion, and a stronger competitive position in the market.

In the dynamic restaurant industry, where consumer preferences and spending patterns can shift rapidly, effective management of sales and revenue KPIs is essential. These KPIs offer insights into customer spending behavior, menu item performance, and overall business efficiency.

36. Daily sales (DS)

DS formula: Total revenue generated each day

Daily sales measure the total revenue earned by the restaurant each day. Consistently high DS indicates strong business performance. Fluctuations in DS can help identify trends and inform operational adjustments. To increase DS, enhance marketing efforts, improve customer experience, and offer promotions or special events.

37. Average transaction value (ATV)

ATV formula: Total revenue/Number of transactions

The average transaction value indicates the average amount spent per transaction. A higher ATV suggests that customers are spending more per visit. To improve ATV, upsell higher-margin items, offer bundled deals, and create an appealing menu that encourages more substantial orders.

38. Table turnover rate (TTR)

TTR formula: Number of times tables are occupied and vacated during a specified period

Table turnover rate measures how frequently tables are used and vacated. A higher TTR can indicate efficient service and high demand. To increase TTR, optimize table management, reduce service time, and enhance customer flow through reservations and efficient seating.

39. Revenue per available seat hour (RevPASH)

RevPASH formula: Total revenue/(Number of seats x Hours of operation)

Revenue per available seat hour assesses the revenue earned per seat per operational hour. Higher RevPASH indicates better utilization of seating capacity. Increasing RevPASH involves managing peak times effectively, optimizing menu pricing, and improving the overall dining experience to attract more customers.

40. Menu item profitability (MIP)

MIP formula: Profit generated from individual menu items

Menu item profitability measures the profit contributed by each menu item. High MIP items are crucial for overall profitability. To enhance MIP, focus on cost-effective ingredients, optimize menu design to highlight profitable items, and regularly review and adjust the menu based on item performance.

Sustainability restaurant KPI examples

Sustainability in the restaurant industry is increasingly important, as it addresses environmental concerns and meets the growing customer demand for eco-friendly practices. Tracking sustainability KPIs helps restaurants to evaluate their environmental impact, implement greener practices, and promote a sustainable brand image. Improving these KPIs can lead to cost savings through efficient resource use, enhanced customer loyalty, and compliance with environmental regulations. In an era where environmental responsibility is highly valued, focusing on sustainability can give restaurants a competitive edge and contribute to long-term viability.

Sustainable practices in restaurants not only benefit the environment but also resonate with customers who are conscious of their ecological footprint. These KPIs enable restaurants to measure and improve their efforts in reducing waste, conserving resources, and sourcing sustainably.

41. Energy consumption (EC)

EC formula: Total amount of energy used in a specified period

Energy consumption measures the total energy used by the restaurant. Lower energy consumption indicates more efficient use of resources and reduced environmental impact. To reduce EC, implement energy-saving practices, use energy-efficient appliances, and consider renewable energy sources.

42. Water usage (WU)

WU formula: Total amount of water consumed in a specified period

Water usage tracks the amount of water consumed by the restaurant. Reducing WU is crucial for conserving water resources and minimizing environmental impact. To decrease water usage, install water-efficient fixtures, regularly check for leaks, and educate staff on water conservation practices.

43. Waste management efficiency (WME)

WME formula: Effectiveness of waste reduction and recycling practices

Waste management efficiency evaluates the effectiveness of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling practices. Higher efficiency indicates less waste generation and better waste management. To improve WME, implement recycling programs, reduce single-use items, and compost organic waste.

44. Sustainable sourcing percentage (SSP)

SSP formula: Proportion of sustainably sourced ingredients

Sustainable sourcing percentage measures the proportion of ingredients sourced sustainably. A higher SSP demonstrates commitment to environmental responsibility and can enhance brand reputation. Increasing SSP involves partnering with sustainable suppliers, prioritizing local and organic produce, and regularly reviewing sourcing practices.

45. Carbon footprint (CF)

CF formula: Total greenhouse gas emissions associated with restaurant operations

The carbon footprint quantifies the total greenhouse gas emissions from the restaurant’s operations. Reducing the CF is vital for minimizing environmental impact. Strategies to reduce CF include using sustainable transportation, reducing energy consumption, and implementing waste reduction practices.

Technology and innovation restaurant KPI examples

Incorporating technology and innovation in the restaurant industry is essential for staying competitive and meeting modern consumer expectations. These KPIs help restaurants assess the effectiveness of their technological investments, streamline operations, and enhance the customer experience. Improving these metrics can lead to increased efficiency, better customer engagement, and new revenue streams. In an era where technology plays a pivotal role in business operations and marketing, leveraging these tools effectively is key to a restaurant’s success and growth.

Adopting innovative solutions not only improves operational efficiency but also provides valuable data insights, enabling better decision-making and personalized customer experiences. These KPIs track the integration and effectiveness of technology in various aspects of restaurant management.

46. Online ordering conversion rate (OOCR)

OOCR formula: (Number of online orders placed/Total number of website visitors) x 100

The online ordering conversion rate measures the effectiveness of a restaurant’s online ordering system. A higher OOCR indicates a user-friendly and efficient online ordering process. To improve OOCR, optimize the website for ease of use, ensure a seamless ordering experience, and provide compelling online menu presentations.

47. Digital menu adoption rate (DMAR)

DMAR formula: (Number of customers using digital menus/Total number of customers) x 100

The digital menu adoption rate assesses how widely customers use digital menus. A higher DMAR suggests effective integration and customer acceptance of digital menus. Enhancing DMAR can involve making digital menus more interactive, user-friendly, and visually appealing.

48. Technology training completion (TTC)

TTC formula: (Number of staff who completed technology training/Total staff) x 100

This KPI measures the percentage of staff completing training in new technologies. High TTC indicates a well-trained staff capable of utilizing technological tools effectively. To increase TTC, ensure training is relevant, engaging, and accessible to all staff members.

49. POS system efficiency (POSE)

POSE formula: Efficiency rating of the point of sale system based on transaction speed and error rate

POS system efficiency evaluates the effectiveness of the point of sale system in processing transactions smoothly and accurately. A high POSE signifies a reliable and user-friendly POS system. Improving POSE involves regular system updates, staff training, and choosing a POS system that meets the restaurant’s specific needs. It can also reduce POS employee theft.

50. Innovation investment ROI (IIROI)

IIROI formula: (Benefits gained from innovation investments – Cost of innovation investments)/Cost of innovation investments

Innovation investment ROI measures the return on investment from innovative solutions and technologies. A higher IIROI indicates that the investments in technology are yielding positive results. To maximize IIROI, focus on strategic investments in technology that enhance customer experience and operational efficiency.

Strategic growth restaurant KPI examples

Strategic growth is crucial for the long-term success and scalability of a restaurant business. It involves expanding the customer base, exploring new markets, and enhancing the brand’s presence. Tracking strategic growth KPIs helps restaurants measure their progress in achieving these goals, identify growth opportunities, and make informed decisions about expansion and development. Improved performance in this area can lead to increased market share, higher revenues, and a stronger brand reputation.

In the dynamic and competitive restaurant industry, having a focused approach to strategic growth is essential. These KPIs provide insights into the effectiveness of growth strategies, market penetration, and the overall health of the business in terms of expansion and development.

51. New location opening performance (NLOP)

NLOP formula: Success metrics of new restaurant openings (revenue, customer footfall, etc.)

New location opening performance measures the success of new restaurant openings. Successful new locations indicate effective market research and strategic planning. To enhance NLOP, conduct thorough market analysis, ensure brand consistency, and implement effective marketing strategies for new locations.

52. Market share (MS)

MS formula: (Restaurant’s sales/Total market sales) x 100

Market share quantifies the restaurant’s sales as a percentage of the total market sales. A higher MS suggests a stronger presence in the market. Increasing MS involves differentiating the restaurant from competitors, expanding customer base, and continuous innovation in products and services.

53. Franchise growth rate (FGR)

FGR formula: Rate of expansion of the restaurant’s franchise network

The franchise growth rate measures the rate at which the restaurant’s franchise network is expanding. A higher FGR indicates successful franchising and brand appeal. To improve FGR, develop a strong franchise model, offer comprehensive support to franchisees, and choose strategic locations for expansion.

54. Strategic partnership effectiveness (SPE)

SPE formula: Success metrics of strategic partnerships (revenue generated, customer reach, etc.)

Strategic partnership effectiveness evaluates the success of collaborations with other businesses or entities. Successful partnerships can lead to new market opportunities and enhanced brand value. To maximize SPE, choose partners aligned with the restaurant’s values and goals, and regularly assess the partnership’s performance.

55. Long-term revenue growth (LTRG)

LTRG formula: Sustained increase in revenue over time

Long-term revenue growth measures the restaurant’s revenue increase over an extended period. Consistent LTRG indicates a thriving business with effective growth strategies. To ensure LTRG, continuously innovate, adapt to market changes, and focus on customer satisfaction.

Use Solink to track your restaurant KPIs

Solink offers a powerful, integrated solution to track restaurant KPIs and pair your data with video. With its advanced cloud video security capabilities, Solink enhances the monitoring and analysis of several key performance indicators, particularly those related to operational efficiency, employee management, and loss prevention and security. 

The platform’s ability to integrate video data with POS information and other systems provides an unparalleled overview, allowing for real-time insights and data-driven decision-making.

To see how Solink can help track and improve restaurant KPIs, sign up for a demo today.