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Top ways to perform remote video monitoring in 2025

January 2, 2025

Security infrastructure can be expensive. It is difficult to justify replacing expensive technology. This can lead to the use of obsolete security equipment despite new technologies being introduced to the market. The use of older technology means many companies do not get the most out of their security cameras and remote video monitoring.

Depending on your needs, remote video monitoring can replace or supplement security guards, security alarms, and your passive video security system. In this article, we will show you exactly what remote video monitoring is and how it can improve your security system. If you already have a business security camera system installed, you might not even need new hardware.

If you want to hear how Solink can help with remote video monitoring, request a demo today.

What is remote video monitoring?

Remote video monitoring refers to viewing your live security camera feeds from anywhere using a laptop or mobile device.

Businessperson looking video surveillance analytics, data and footage on Solink's platform.

This is great for small business owners who want to keep an eye on their company while at home. However, it is just as important to head offices of large organizations. Being able to check in on multiple sites from the corporate headquarters is a game changer for everything from loss prevention to employee training.

But what if you want a more active form of remote video monitoring?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help with this by pushing alerts instead of waiting for you to find exceptions. Let’s take a look at two use cases—one DIY and the other a managed service.

In both cases, AI finds potential issues using Solink’s motion search. Users define “virtual tripwires” that are activated by motion.

Getting alarms text message on iPhone

In the first case, Solink Video Alarms sends these alerts to the business owner who is then in charge of interpreting the video and acting accordingly.

In the second case, the alerts are sent to a monitoring service where real humans view the live feed to decide whether there is a reason to notify the client or emergency responders. Solink offers this option as the Video Alarms Monitoring Service add-on product.

These services are designed to supplement alarms or security guards, or even replace them.

To see all the ways Solink can help your business, book a demo today.

The Solink Video Alarms Monitoring Service

Solink Video Alarms Monitoring Service should be your first choice for a video remote monitoring system.

Here are some of the things Solink and its new Video Alarms Monitoring Service option can do for you:

  • Save time and reduce stress: Solink Video Alarms Monitoring Service reduces the hassle of perimeter defense. We watch your premise when you’re not there. We vet each alarm and only call emergency services and notify you when there is a potential real threat.
  • No PINs required: There are no additional login credentials needed. Use your current Solink ID to monitor your Video Alarms Monitoring Service. You can also use your smartphone to disable the alarm system for authorized visitors without sharing your passcode for an obsolete alarm panel or meeting them at the door.
  • Easily integrate with existing hardware: Solink Video Alarms Monitoring Service integrates with your existing cameras.
  • Reduce your false alarm charges: Every single alarm is checked by a human operator before emergency responders are dispatched. This can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars every year in false alarm charges.
  • Move your situation up the emergency response queue: Limited response capabilities means calls are treated differently based on the likelihood of a true event. Saying “there are two people attempting to cut open a safe on camera” will elicit a faster response than a simple door alarm activation.
  • Added safety for emergency responders: Sharing real-time video of an unfolding event improves the safety of policy officers. Since they know what is happening inside your building, they can react in a safe and swift manner.
  • Fewer missed true events: Traditional alarms can be bypassed as they only monitor one specific trigger. An alarm that triggers when a door is opened might not go off if the door’s window is smashed. Using camera alarms catches both the events you expect to occur and those you don’t by notifying of any movement occurring in the area.

Here’s a real life recent timeline of the Solink Video Alarms Monitoring Service in action:

remote video monitoring timeline for Solink and Noonlight

Notice how quickly police arrive on scene?

How does Solink Video Alarms Monitoring Service work?

Solink Video Alarms Monitoring Service is incredibly easy to operate. Once the system has been set up, the operator simply needs to arm the system on their smartphone or have it run on a schedule.

Once armed, the system works automatically in the background. If motion is detected, the alert comes to you after a four-step system powered by AI and real human verification.

  1. Detection. Motion is detected onsite.
  2. Alert. The alert along with a real-time video feed is sent to the monitoring service for review.
  3. Verification. If a false alarm is detected, the monitoring service cancels the alarm. If further investigation is needed, the alarm contact will be notified with text/email and the video clip.
  4. Dispatch. The alarm contact and monitoring service review the video to make an informed decision about dispatching emergency responders. If required, the monitoring service will deploy a smart dispatch and send the video and location information to the police.

With the optional monitoring service in place, you save time and money. You’ll also reduce the hefty false alarm fines levied by your local emergency services.

If you do not choose to use the optional monitoring service, Solink Video Alarms is still available on the platform. The self-service option works similarly, only the alarms are sent to someone in the organization designated to review events and call emergency services if warranted.

Remote video monitoring vs. security guards

Hiring security guards is more expensive than turning passive camera security into a live remote video monitoring solution. For some locations, this higher price is necessary and may even be mandated by regulations.

However, if you are looking for a high level of security without large upfront and ongoing costs, remote video monitoring based on cloud video security technology is a great option.

Many companies have found that they can attain a higher level of security for a much lower cost using remote video monitoring instead of on-site security guards. This is sometimes referred to as remote guarding.

Active video analytics vs. passive security

Most commercial facilities have video cameras on premises. They represent a strong deterrence to internal and external theft. They are also important for reducing legal risks, for example from slip and falls or customer altercations.

However, passive security can be an underutilization of expensive security infrastructure. Without a video analytics platform like Solink, it’s unlikely that management is using these cameras to optimize store layout or track revenue.

The VSaaS solution offered by Solink can do all of this and more. Being able to see video of specific transactions helps reduce different types of theft, including from discount abuse and fraudulent voids. Motion search saves time by automatically showing you only the videos you need to see.

To see how Solink can help your organization, sign up for a demo today.

Remote video monitoring vs. security alarms

Remote video monitoring can be seen as either a replacement for security alarms or a valuable supplement depending on your budget and the security requirements of your location.

An alarm system with a traditional panel that detects activity at doors can offer great peace of mind, but it isn’t always the most user-friendly option. First, remote video monitoring by Solink turns your mobile device or laptop into the security panel so you can operate the system from anywhere.

Second, you can create smart triggers for arming your alarm. For example, it can detect movement on a loading dock outside of receiving hours.

Finally, having a live agent verify the alarm is a real threat before dispatching emergency responders can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars per year in false alarm bills.

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Six reasons to choose a video remote monitoring system to protect your business

We’ve touched on a few of the reasons to choose a video remote monitoring system above. Here’s the six best reasons for why you should consider upgrading your passive security system today.

Monitor your entire property

laptop-hospitality-alarms-configurationA security guard cannot be everywhere at once. During their rounds, there’s a large gap in the coverage. Traditional security alarms can have the same issue. While they are great at monitoring doors or windows, they have trouble monitoring areas, for example your parking lot or movement on a showroom floor, if an intruder enters by a different route.

For large areas, such as a warehouse, being able to monitor the entire space becomes even more important.

With Solink, you can define areas to be triggered by motion detection. These areas can be changed depending on the time of day, day of week, and more. This results in better perimeter protection for your business.

Real humans verify every alarm

When a video alarm is triggered, a real agent opens up the real-time video and verifies the threat. This is an added layer of protection for your business. This leads to two further benefits.

Savings for your business

Security guards are expensive. For 24/7/365 coverage, you need five full-time salaries. Replacing this expense with video remote monitoring is one of the ways it can save you money.

The other is through a decrease in the number of false alarms. Emergency services bill companies for false alarms, which is why it is important to reduce these incidents—not to mention it helps the community by leaving emergency responders free to help those truly in need.

Better sleep for you

If you already have a verification system in place for alarms, it probably includes notifying the decision maker every time there’s an alarm. For large businesses, there might be someone active all the time to do this, but for smaller operations it could mean waking up the owner or manager to check the cameras.

Using Solink’s Video Alarms Monitoring Service means you’ll only be woken up if there’s a potential emergency situation.

Store footage of all incidents

Video analytics will help you see what’s happening in your business. Being shown only the video clips you need to see saves you time. This is can help keep your location safe from repeated incidents, especially if you run a bar or nightclub.

Once you’ve identified an incident, you can save it forever. You can even email it directly from the Solink platform to managers, the police, or any other stakeholders. This includes sending clips to an insurance agent as part of a claim.

Faster emergency response when needed

When an alarm has been verified as a legitimate threat, the real-time video feed can be shared with the police. The police can see exactly what is happening and respond accordingly.

This improves response times in two ways. First, emergency responders know exactly what is happening and so can come prepared for the situation. Second, dispatchers recognize companies that have many false alarms and might not respond as vigilantly when there is a true threat. With far fewer false alarms and video of the event in real time, emergency services will act quickly and with the proper measures.

Here’s another real life recent timeline of Solink Video Alarms in action:

remote video monitoring timeline for Solink and Noonlight

Remote video monitoring FAQ

Since originally posting this article, we have received a lot of questions about remote video monitoring and decided to update the article to answer some of them.

What is remote video monitoring?

Remote video monitoring refers to viewing your live security camera feeds from anywhere using a laptop or mobile device.

How does remote video security work?

Remote video security is based on cloud computing technology. Solink connects your security cameras to other data sources using our cloud-hybrid video analytics system. That way you can see, store, share, and interpret video data from anywhere.

What is remote security?

Remote security refers to viewing your live security camera feeds from anywhere using a laptop or mobile device. This is a major benefit of cloud video security.

What are some remote monitoring examples?

Most people consider remote monitoring to be a security feature. Although security is a major reason to perform remote monitoring, there are other benefits:

  • Improved loss prevention
  • Maintain high speed of service
  • Monitor revenue in real time
  • Ensure safety in order to reduce the chance of occupational injuries or slips-and-falls
  • Anticipate labor requirement changes
  • Keep facilities clean with a better maintenance schedule
  • React to dangerous weather conditions

What is live video monitoring?

Live video monitoring is being alerted to what is happening in view of security cameras in real time to react to the situation. Solink gives you the tools to perform live video monitoring, alone or with the help of trained professionals.

What is a video alarm?

Video alarms are a great way to enhance or replace traditional alarm systems. Traditional alarm systems are triggered when a door is opened or a window is broken and then notify emergency services without the ability to verify the alarm. Solink’s Video Alarms can cover whole areas, inside or outside, to provide better security coverage. When an alarm is triggered, the owner of the alarm and/or a trained professional then verifies the alarm before sending true threats to the authorities for an appropriate response.

What are security systems?

Security systems are security tools designed to monitor areas for unauthorized or unlawful activity. They usually include security cameras, which is why security systems and security systems are often conflated.

Can CCTV be viewed remotely?

Yes. Solink gives you the ability to view your CCTV security cameras from anywhere along with other data to make informed business decisions.

What is video surveillance as a service?

Video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) provides video analytics services to users including remote storage, management, viewing, sharing, and monitoring of security video footage in the cloud.

Can you use a TV as a security camera monitor?

Solink has an Apple TV app, which allows you to use a TV as a security camera monitor.

Do security cameras need WiFi?

While there are WiFi security cameras, most security cameras are powered over Ethernet (PoE). In this case, you do not need WiFi to monitor security camera footage.

What type of security cameras do businesses use?

Businesses use many different types of security cameras. Bullet, turret, dome, and 360 cameras are the most common business security cameras.

What’s the difference between surveillance cameras and security cameras?

Surveillance cameras and security cameras are the same devices, but a different main purpose for their deployment is being highlighted. Security cameras “secure” areas by deterring unauthorized behavior and increasing the ability to react to such activity. Surveillance cameras “surveil” areas, or monitor them, for unauthorized activity.

Remote video monitoring personalized to your needs

Solink provides one-on-one consultations to make sure that it is set up to fit the needs of your business. The dashboard can display the metrics important to you. The quality of video, how long it is stored, and more can be changed to suit your needs.

To find out more about how Solink can build a remote video monitoring solution for you, please book a demo today.

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